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Medical Unit

Our Medical Unit is comprised of nurses, medical assistants, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, board certified psychiatrists, and child psychiatrists who believe that all individuals deserve equitable access to proper assessment and treatment of psychiatric conditions. We provide evidence based psychiatric assessment and treatment through collaboration with other services within our agency. We are available 5 days per week with extended hours Monday through Thursday to support individuals with afterhours needs.

Individuals receiving services through our Medical Unit are typically involved in other services within the agency. If you are interested in more information about the services we provide please contact your Case Manager, Service Coordinator or Therapist.

Our Mission

To provide compassionate and individualized evidence-based treatment to those residing in Henrico, Charles City, and New Kent who experience mental health, developmental or substance use challenges.

Contact Us

Mental Health & Developmental Services

Main Office
10299 Woodman Road
Glen Allen, VA 23060

Access Services Call Center
(804) 727-8515
Main Office Phone
(804) 727-8500
Emergency Services (Mental Health)
(804) 727-8484

Developmental Services Intake Phone
Infant Toddler Connection
Billing information


Mailing Address
10299 Woodman Road
Glen Allen, VA 23060

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