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Banquet to honor local businesses for support of individuals with disabilities

Henrico Area Mental Health & Developmental Services (MH/DS) will commemorate October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month by recognizing 21 local businesses for employing individuals with cognitive and emotional disabilities.

The third Employer Awards banquet will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 24 at the Eastern Henrico Recreation Center, 1440 N. Laburnum Ave.

The businesses to be honored are: Biscotti Goddess; Bunkie Trinite Trophies; Colonial Shooting Academy; Hardee’s, Store #2940; Health Diagnostic Laboratory; Home Depot Interiors; Marshalls, West Broad Street; Martin’s, The Village; N&W Salvage; Rock Solid, Inc.; Pizza Hut, Williamsburg Road; San-J International, Inc.; Schein Vet Supply; St. Mary’s Hospital, Central Processing Department; Sunrise Senior Living; Support One; Thankfully Yours LLC; University of Richmond, Heilman Dining Center; Virginia Office of Vital Records; Wurth Revcar Fasteners; and YMCA, Shady Grove Branch.

MH/DS will recognize each award recipient for hiring at least one person with a disability to work in the business or for providing employment opportunities through contract work completed at the Hermitage Enterprises or Cypress Enterprises locations. MH/DS serves individuals with intellectual disabilities or mental illness from the counties of Henrico, Charles City and New Kent.

The banquet’s keynote speaker will be Hill Hopper, general manager of the Richmond location of Omnicare International. The business received an Employer Award in 2007 and 2009.

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