Heavy traffic expected during NASCAR races Sept 9 – 10

Traffic patterns will temporarily be altered on roads around Richmond International Raceway (RIR) on Friday, September 9 and Saturday, September 10, 2016, to accommodate fans attending the NASCAR races.

Motorists are advised to expect heavy traffic and delays in the area on both days, especially on Saturday before and after the race from 8 AM. to 7:30 PM and from 9:30 PM to 2:00 AM.

Henrico Police officers will direct motorists before and after the races.  Race fans and other motorists are encouraged to check traffic updates on message boards along interstates and other roads approaching RIR. WRVA-1140 AM will broadcast traffic reports.  Updates will also be posted on the Division’s Twitter account @henricopolice and Facebook page.

The following traffic patterns will be in effect Saturday, September 10 during peak hours:

  • Carolina Avenue between Laburnum and Azalea avenues will be one-way outbound after the race. Access to businesses along Carolina Avenue will be maintained from Laburnum Avenue.
  • Richmond-Henrico Turnpike/Meadowbridge Road from the Henrico/Hanover county line to Azalea Avenue will be one-way southbound from about 1 PM until the race starts.  Sections of Meadowbridge Road farther north in Hanover County will continue to accommodate two-way northbound and southbound traffic at all times.
  • After the race, Laburnum Avenue from Carolina Avenue to Mechanicsville Turnpike will be one-way eastbound. Eastbound Laburnum Avenue from Richmond-Henrico Turnpike/Meadowbridge Road to Carolina Avenue will be closed until race traffic disperses. Two-way traffic will be maintained on Laburnum Avenue west of Richmond-Henrico Turnpike/Meadowbridge Road.
  • After the race, beginning at about 10 PM, Richmond-Henrico Turnpike/Meadowbridge Road north of Azalea Avenue will be one-way northbound to Atlee Road in Hanover County. Richmond-Henrico Turnpike/Meadowbridge Road will be restored to two-way traffic when race traffic disperses.
  • After the race, three lanes of Azalea Avenue from Richmond-Henrico Turnpike/Meadowbridge Road to Henrico High School will be routed westbound; one lane will be routed eastbound.  This change will require all median crossovers on Azalea Avenue from Richmond-Henrico Turnpike/Meadowbridge Road to Henrico High School to be closed from about 10 p.m. until race traffic disperses.  Police will assist motorists turning from Azalea Avenue onto Thrush Lane and Pony Farm Drive.

While the traffic modifications are in effect, median crossovers on Laburnum Avenue will be closed from North Avenue to Mechanicsville Turnpike, except at Alma Avenue, Pilots Lane and Austin Avenue.  Only right turns will be permitted to and from Laburnum Avenue.  Police will be at these intersections before and after the race to assist motorists turning onto or crossing Laburnum Avenue.

On-street parking on major routes to RIR will be prohibited each day. Parking will be available on Saturday, September 10 at the Richmond Coliseum parking deck at 501 N. Seventh Street in downtown Richmond for a fee.  Free shuttle bus service to and from RIR will begin at 2 PM. 

The Henrico County Police Division recommends the following routes for traffic approaching the raceway:

  • From the east (Hampton Roads area) — Follow Interstate 64 west to Interstate 295 north (Exit 200). Follow I-295 north and exit onto Mechanicsville Turnpike west (Exit 37B).  Follow Mechanicsville Turnpike to Laburnum Avenue. Turn right and proceed to the raceway.
  • From the east (U.S. Route 360) — Follow Route 360 west (Mechanicsville Turnpike), cross I-295 and continue west to Laburnum Avenue. Turn right and proceed to the raceway.
  • From the east (local traffic) — Follow I-64 west and take the Laburnum Avenue exit (Exit 195). Turn right and proceed to the raceway.
  • From the north — Follow Interstate 95 south to the I-295 east interchange (marked “To Norfolk-Williamsburg”). Follow I-295 east and exit onto Meadowbridge Road west (Exit 38B). Follow Meadowbridge Road (Richmond-Henrico Turnpike) and proceed to the raceway.
  • From the north (local traffic) — Follow U.S. Route 1 (Brook Road) to Azalea Avenue. Turn left onto Azalea Avenue and proceed to the raceway.
  • From the west — Follow I-64 east to the I-295 south interchange (Exit 177). Follow I-295 south and exit onto Meadowbridge Road west (Exit 38B). Follow Meadowbridge Road (Richmond-Henrico Turnpike) and proceed to the raceway.
  • From the west (local traffic) — Follow I-64 east to the Laburnum Avenue/Powhite Parkway exit. Take the Laburnum Avenue exit, turn left and proceed to the raceway.
  • From the south — Follow I-95 north to the I-295 interchange south of Petersburg.  Follow I-295 north and exit onto Mechanicsville Turnpike (Exit 37B). Follow Mechanicsville Turnpike to Laburnum Avenue. Turn right and proceed to the raceway.
  • From the south (local traffic) — Follow I-95 north to the I-64 east interchange (Exit 75). Follow I-64 to Route 360 east (Mechanicsville Turnpike). Follow Route 360 east to Laburnum Avenue. Turn left and proceed to the raceway.

There are also changes to General Parking for the 2016 season:

  • LOT D PARKING Please note Gate 6 on Carolina Avenue is designated as permit-only entry gate. If you do not have a permit, you will need to access Lot D via Gate 4 for FREE parking (first come, first serve).
  • The quickest and easiest way to access FREE parking at RIR at any time is through Meadowbridge Road.  While some free parking areas are near RIR, Lot H has the easiest access from/to the interstate.  FREE tram service is available from Lot H to the backstretch and runs continually starting at 7:00 a.m. through post-race.
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