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Henrico to accept Christmas trees for recycling Dec. 26 through Jan. 9

Henrico County will accept Christmas trees for recycling into mulch from Sunday, Dec. 26 through Sunday, Jan. 9.

The free service, offered by Keep Henrico Beautiful and the Department of Public Utilities, preserves landfill space and protects the environment. It is available to Henrico residents only.

          Trees will be accepted at the following locations:

  • Henrico Government Center, 4301 E. Parham Road, in the lower parking lot;
  • Eastern Government Center, 3820 Nine Mile Road, in the front parking lot;
  • Springfield Road Public Use Area, 10600 Fords Country Lane, near Nuckols Road and Interstate 295; and
  • Charles City Road Public Use Area, 2075 Charles City Road.

Trees can be dropped off anytime at the Henrico Government Center and Eastern Government Center and from 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily at the Springfield Road and Charles City Road public use areas. Trees must be free of tinsel, lights, ornaments, tree stands and water bowls. Please wear a face covering and maintain social distancing at all times.

Free mulch is available to Henrico residents at the public use areas. For information, go to or call (804) 501-7277.

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