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Free Mulch

available in person   In Person

Free mulch is available at our two Public Use Areas. You are welcome to load the mulch yourself or, pending equipment and personnel availability, we may load your pick-up or trailer at no charge. If you would like us to load your vehicle, your patience will be greatly appreciated, as sometimes our other job duties may keep us from immediately serving you. The mulch is produced from grinding yard waste that is brought to our facilities. No further treatment or processing is performed on the material, therefore, it is important when dropping off yard waste at our facilities that there are no plastic bags, paper, or other trash in it.

We recommend that you contact our Public Use Areas before going to ensure we have mulch available.  We do run out during heavy mulch season.

Contact Us

Public Utilities

(804) 501-4275
Phone After Hours (Emergency Only)
(804) 501-5025

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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