County Manager John A. Vithoulkas opened the 2024 Henrico State of the County address by highlighting a recent accolade – Forbes recognizing Henrico’s general government as an outstanding employer for Virginia.
Speaking to about 500 business and community leaders at the Henrico Sports & Events Center, he noted that Henrico County Public Schools has been similarly recognized in each of the past two years, “making [Henrico] the only locality in the Commonwealth that has that distinction.”

Over the next hour, Vithoulkas and other senior officials highlighted scores of achievements, projects and initiatives spanning service areas, including education, public safety, infrastructure, recreation, economic development, finance and more. Henrico stands out among peer localities, Vithoulkas said, because it’s able to focus on “next level” services – well beyond the basic functions of governing, like maintaining roads, managing finances and answering calls for service.
“So, when you do things well, with empathy, then we find ourselves, our Board of Supervisors can work towards the really, really hard work of government, that few venture to because it is difficult,” he said. “And what do I mean? I mean focusing on affordable housing, mental health, particularly for our students, homelessness, addiction and recovery, environmental stewardship and forever preservation of open spaces.”
The 2024 Henrico State of the County address was presented by the Henrico Economic Development Authority. Watch the livestream below.
Playlist of the State of the Country address separated by topic