Dumbarton Road Safety and Mobility Improvements
Project Status: Underway - Design
Estimated Cost: $2.8 million
Start Date: 2nd Quarter, 2025
Estimated End Date: 2nd Quarter, 2025
Magisterial District: Fairfield
The County of Henrico will be constructing accommodations to increase bicycle and pedestrian safety and connectivity. The following improvements will be constructed, including:
- Re-paving and re-striping Dumbarton Road from Staples Mill Road to Brook Road to implement a “road diet”. The new roadway will include buffered bicycle lanes, one vehicle travel lane in each direction, and a right/left center turn lane.
- Upgrade traffic signals at Byrdhill Road, Impala Road, and Hermitage Road/Westlake Avenue to install new signal cabinets, poles, signal heads, bicycle accommodations, and pedestrian push buttons.
- Evaluate future locations for pedestrian crosswalks along Dumbarton Road between Byrdhill Road and Lakeside Avenue.
Estimated Schedule: (Month Year)
- Design is underway.
- Right-of-way acquisition is not anticipated.
- Utility relocations are not anticipated.
- Advertisement for construction is anticipated 2nd Quarter, 2025.
- Construction is anticipated 2nd Quarter, 2025.
Progress to Date
- Virtual public information meeting and online comment period from February 21 through March 13, 2022. Below is a link to the public feedback summary.
The preferred concept is planned for implementation during spring 2025 coinciding with a full repaving of Dumbarton Road. A buffered bike lane will be striped on both sides of the roadway along with a right/left center turn lane.