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Fairfield District

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Roscoe D. Cooper III, Supervisor

Office (804) 501-4208 ~ Email [email protected]

Roscoe Cooper is serving his first term as supervisor for the Fairfield Magisterial District, following his election in November 2023. Before joining the Board of Supervisors, he twice was elected by Fairfield voters as the district’s representative on the Henrico County School Board, on which he served from 2016 to 2023.

The pastor of Rising Mount Zion Baptist Church, Rev. Cooper is a former president of the Baptist Ministers Conference of Richmond & Vicinity. He has served as chair of the board of directors for the Capital Area Health Network and as a member of the Religious Advisory Committee for Sen. Mark Warner.

A graduate of Henrico High School, Rev. Cooper earned a bachelor’s degree from Virginia Union University and received a Master of Divinity from the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union. He earned his Doctor of Divinity from Richmond Virginia Seminary.  

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