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Firehouse 23 – Bungalow City

Project Status: In Progress

Estimated Cost: 14.5 M
Start Date: August 2023
Estimated End Date: January 2025

5618 Nine Mile Road
Henrico, VA 23223

Magisterial District:   Varina  

The Work consists of newly constructed building having a 13,225 SF footprint and containing one-story plus mezzanine, totaling 14,119 SF; providing administrative, training, dining, individual bunk rooms, group toilet/shower rooms, public and staff restrooms, exercise, storage, and mechanical areas, plus three drive-thru apparatus bays. Other improvements on the site include apparatus drives, parking for a minimum of 30 vehicles, dumpster, SBCA, and lawn maintenance/storage shed. The firehouse will be constructed on approximately 5 acres of property owned or acquired by County of Henrico. Truck bays and concrete pavement will be located on the western side of the structure providing access to Nine Mile Road. Heavy duty asphalt pavement is anticipated to the north and east of the firehouse, providing access to Westover Avenue. This project is designed to meet LEED® Silver Certification under version 4.1. A stormwater management basin is proposed on the western side of the site. The project is located at 5619 Nine Mile Road, Richmond, VA 23223.

Contact Us


Main Receptionist
(804) 501-4900

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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