Three Lakes Park
Project Status: In Progress
Estimated Cost: 4.6M
Start Date: 1/14/2025
Estimated End Date: 12/30/2025
400 Sausiluta Drive
Henrico, VA 23227
Magisterial District: Fairfield
This project consists of construction of a new fully accessible restroom and site improvements adjacent to the existing Nature Center at Three Lakes Park. The new restroom building will be approximately 1,120 SF and comprised of men’s women’s, and family restrooms.
Improvements to the visitor experience approaching the existing Nature Center will include an improved walkway, colored and stamped concrete, benches, interpretive play features, lighting, small outdoor classroom, deck overlook, and ancillary site work and landscaping improvements.
Construction Contractor: Woodland Constrution, Inc.
Scope of Work:
- Outdoor education classroom
- Entrance walkway with seating, lighting, and special paving
- Interpretive playground equipment for Life Cycle of Frog
- Other site and landscape improvements (shelter in images not included)
Outdoor Education Classroom
- Improvements aimed at enhancing the visitor experience
- Providing outdoor education area for school groups that visit as part of curriculum
- Improvements to flow of foot traffic, places to sit, and play opportunities
- Stage / lake overlook deck
- Curved bench seating
- Shoreline improvements
- Spillover seating at lawn area
Walkway to Nature Center
- Flagstone stamped concrete paving
- Decorative lighting
- Benches, trash receptacles, and furnishings
- Landscape enhancements using native plants
Life Cycle of a Frog
- (5) small playground areas along main walkway to nature center (Interpretive Play Features)
- Lilly pad habitat
- Frog eggs
- Tadpole
- Froglet
- Frog
- Interprets the life cycle of a frog through playground elements
- Engineered wood fiber play mulch surfacing
- See equipment planned on subsequent pages
Drop-Off / Pick-Up Area
- Enlarged pedestrian plaza
- Bollards to protect pedestrians from vehicles
- New ADA parking to meet code
- Curved benches for waiting
- Landscape improvements using native plants
Restroom Building
- Covered porch
- Family restroom
- Men’s restroom
- Women’s restroom
- Utility room and mechanical yard
Progress to Date
January 14, 2025 – Groundbreaking
June 2025 – Planned completion of Nature Center outdoor areas
End of 2025 – All projects completed