Building Permit – Commercial

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Build Henrico Permitting Instructions

  • Register for and login to your customer account on the Build Henrico website.
  • Select “Permits” on the Build Henrico home page.
  • Select “Building Permit.
  • Select “Commercial” from the dropdown menu next to “Select the option that best describes the application:” and complete your permit submittal by filling out the online application.
  • Go to these links to review the document submission standards for the construction of commercial buildings:
  • Upload the following applicable documents to be included with your permit application:
    • Site Plans
    • Architectural Plans (Key Plans, Floor Plans, Elevations, Life Safety, Egress, Door & Window Schedules, Wall, Floor and Roof Sections, Fire-Resistant Rated Assemblies, etc.)
    • Structural Plans (Footings & Foundations, Structural Framing, Retaining Walls, Engineering Details, etc.)
    • Plumbing Plans (Water & Sewer sitework; Water distribution piping; Drainage, Waste & Vent piping; Stormwater piping; Plumbing Fixtures; Grease Traps & Interceptors; Gas Piping Systems (Natural, LPG & Medical)
    • Mechanical Plans (Heating, Air Conditioning and Ventilation Equipment & Systems; Ductwork; Kitchen & Hazardous Exhaust Systems; Refrigeration Systems; Gas Piping Systems (Natural, LPG & Medical); Boilers & Water Heaters; Fireplaces & Mechanical Appliances, Fuel Storage Tanks, etc.)
    • Electrical Plans (Power Distribution; Lighting; Panelboards; Overcurrent Protection; Electrical Fixtures & Equipment, etc.)
    • Owner’s Affidavit – Statement that applicant is either the owner or owner’s agent, i.e., exempt from being a licensed contractor

Document Submission Standards

Occupancy Classifications

When is a commercial building permit needed?*

Construction or demolition of:

  1. A building or structure
  2. Installations or alterations involving the removal of any wall, partition or portion thereof
  3. Any structural component
  4. Repair or replacement of any required component of a fire or smoke rated assembly
  5. Alteration of any required means of egress system
  6. Tool and storage sheds 256 square feet or larger
  7. Tents or air-supported structures over 900 square feet
  8. Fences required for pedestrian safety or a swimming pool
  9. Concrete or masonry walls exceeding 6 feet
  10. Retaining walls supporting 3 feet of unbalanced fill
  11. Swimming pools with a surface area of greater than 150 square feet, exceed 5,000 gallons and are 24 or more inches deep
  12. Flagpoles more than 30 feet in height
  13. Reroof except in Groups R-3, R-4 or R-5

*This is not a comprehensive list.  Please call the Department of Building Construction and Inspections at (804) 501-4360 with any questions.


Contact Us

Permit Technician
(804) 501-4360

Building Inspections

Physical Address
Department of Building Construction and Inspections
4301 East Parham Road
Henrico, VA 23228

(804) 501-4360
Automated Permit System
(804) 501-7770

Mailing Address
Department of Building Construction and Inspections
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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