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Marriage Licenses

fill out online form   Online
available in person   In Person

Who may marry in Virginia

The minimum age for marriage in Virginia is 18 years for both parties, pursuant to Virginia Code Section 20-48. Both parties must be present at the Clerk’s Office and present a valid unexpired government issued photo ID (e.g. driver’s license) to show their age.

Marriage License Application General Information

Marriage licenses are issued from 8:00am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday in room 240 of the Henrico County Courthouse. Marriage licenses must be obtained within 60 days of the wedding date. Licenses may be purchased anywhere in the Commonwealth of Virginia and may be used anywhere in the Commonwealth. The marriage license fee is $33.00. Payment is accepted in Cash, Check or Credit card. There is a 2% credit card transaction fee for credit card use. Debit cards are not accepted for the payment of such fees. Blood tests are not required.

Marriage License Return

The minister or other marriage officiant must complete the marriage license form and return copies A and B to the Clerk’s Office within 5 days after the ceremony. Upon receipt, the Clerk’s Office will mail a certified copy of the marriage license to the couple. A copy of the marriage license will be retained by the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office and the Virginia Department of Health, Division of Vital Records.

Copies of Marriage Licenses

Certified copies are $2.50 each if picked up from the Clerk’s Office during regular business hours, $2.50 if you mail a request and send a self addressed stamped envelope, and $3.00 if mailed and you do not provide a self addressed stamped envelope. Payment may be made by cash, check or money order (payable to the Circuit Court Clerk). Debit and credit cards are not accepted for the payment of such fees.

Certified copies of marriage certificates that were filed in the Commonwealth of Virginia can also be obtained from Henrico Health Department or the Virginia Department of Health, Division of Vital Records, 2001 Maywill Street, Suite 101, Richmond, VA 23230. The general information number is 804-662-6200. After getting married, you may wish to change your name with the Social Security Administration and the Dept. of Motor Vehicles. You will need a certified copy of your marriage license to accomplish this.

For marriage licenses issued between July 1, 1997 and June 30, 2001: Virginia law requires that the Clerk’s Office obtain written permission from the bride or groom before providing a copy to any party. Written permission is required even if the person requesting the copy is the bride or groom. Written requests for certified copies of a marriage license should include the following: groom’s name, bride’s maiden name, date of marriage, a self-addressed stamped envelope, a check or money order for $2.50 made payable to the Henrico Circuit Court Clerk, and the notarized signature of the bride and/or groom. If the bride or groom’s signature is not notarized, he or she should send a copy of a photo ID (preferably a driver’s license) so that the Clerk’s Office may confirm identification before providing the requested copies. If a self addressed stamped envelope is not provided, the fee is $3.00 for the certified copy.

For copies of licenses issued prior to July 1, 1997 or after June 30, 2001: Access is not limited to only the bride, groom, or spouse. Written requests for certified copies should include the following: groom’s name, bride’s maiden name, or both spouses’ names, date of marriage, a self-addressed stamped envelope, and a check or money order for $2.50 made payable to the Henrico Circuit Court Clerk. If a self addressed stamped envelope is not sent with your request, the fee is $3.00.


The marriage license fee is $33.00. Payment is accepted by cash, check, or credit card. There is a 2% credit card transaction fee for credit card use.

Submit Online Application

Online Marriage Application Form


Disclaimer: The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice.

Contact Us

Circuit Court Clerk

Delivery Address
4309 E. Parham Road
Courthouse Bldg, Rm 240
Henrico, VA 23228

General Information
(804) 501-4202

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775


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