Real Estate Advantage Program (REAP)
Real Estate Cap Program (RECAP)
REAP General Information
Documentation Needed
Renewals and Reapplication
Real Estate Advantage Program Information as of 2023
Pursuant to the Henrico County Code, persons qualifying for exemption are deemed to be bearing an extraordinary real estate tax burden in relation to their income and financial worth. The Real Estate Advantage Program (REAP) is a tax exemption for qualified seniors, residents that are 100 percent permanently and totally disabled, and their spouses which relieves real estate tax up to a maximum of $3,200.
- Maximum total income is $75,000
- Maximum total net worth allowed is $500,000
- Maximum exemption awarded is $3,200
- Filing deadline is April 1st
Should you need help filling out an application or have questions please contact the Revenue Division at 804-501-4263 or email [email protected].
Once you qualify for REAP, you would pay the balance of your taxes by simply following the normal tax payment cycle. More information on Important Dates.
- Applicant(s) must be at least 65 years of age OR 100 percent permanently and totally disabled as of December 31st of the previous year
- Applicant(s) must occupy as the sole dwelling the residence in question
- Applicant(s) must hold title to the residence
- Applicant(s) and spouse may not have a combined total income exceeding $75,000 including Social Security. Total income means income before deductions, subject to tax under federal income tax laws, regulations, rules, or policies prior to any adjustments, deductions or exemptions.
- The income of owner’s relatives living in the dwelling must be included in the total income, excluding the first $10,000 of each relative’s earnings. If a nurse/family member is assisting you, then their income is not included in the total taxable income.
- • Maximum net worth of owner, spouse, and co-owner may not exceed $500,000 as of December 31st. The dwelling and up to ten acres of land on which the dwelling is located is excluded from the net worth. Items included in net worth are vehicles, checking and savings accounts, certificates of deposit, stocks and bonds, life insurance policies with a cash value.
- Applicants applying who share ownership of the residence must all apply and must all qualify to receive eligibility for REAP
If you are forced to leave your home and receive treatment in an assisted living facility, hospice care, extended hospital stay or nursing home, relief will continue as long as your residence is not sold or rented to anyone.
Documentation Needed
Whether you are applying in person or mailing an application in, supporting documentation for each entry of income and net worth must be included with all applications. Such documents needed include photocopies of:
- End of the year statements of income (previous year)
- End of the year checking and savings account statements (previous year)
- End of the year statements showing values of stocks owned (previous year)
- First time applicants need a copy of their birth certificate or driver’s license as proof of age
- Proof of disability is required for those under 65 years of age. A certification from the Social Security Administration, such as an awards letter, will suffice or a letter from the Railroad Retirement Board, Department of Veteran Affairs, or two signed affidavits from Virginia licensed doctors to the effect that such person is permanently and totally disabled.
- Affidavits for disability may be obtained from the Revenue Division offices.
Proof of all income and net worth should be included in the application.
The REAP application and certification forms must be completed and submitted for the qualifying year by April 1st, with the Revenue Division. First-time applicants and hardship cases will be considered through December 31st. If applying for the first time, attach a copy of each owner’s driver’s license or birth certificate as proof of age. Proof of Disability is required for those under 65 years of age only. A certificate from the Social Security Administration (Awards letter copy), Railroad Retirement Board, Department of Veterans Affairs or signed affidavits by two medical doctors licensed in Virginia to the effect that such person is permanently and totally disabled.
If you need to have a family member or friend designated to handle the application process for you, you must submit a written power of attorney with your application or complete the Contact Person Form which can be found on the last page of every application.
The application and certification forms are available for pick up and submission at the Western Government Center and Eastern Government Center. They can also be printed off from this website and mailed to:
Revenue Division Real Estate Advantage Program County of Henrico P.O. Box 90775 Henrico, VA 23273
Renewals and Reapplication
After the initial application has been completed, submitted, and approved, you need only send in a renewal form (certification) for the next two years. Upon the fourth year the applicant must go through the application process again as you did in your first year.
Failure to complete an application or certification in its entirety will disqualify applicant from the County of Henrico Real Estate Advantage Program. Supporting documentation for each entry of income and net worth must be included with all applications. Should your income or net worth increase dramatically you are required to notify the County as per Henrico County Code Section 20-72(h) which states tax relief is only provided during the period for which the applicant was eligible. In the case of disqualification during the year because of an increase in net worth and/or income an applicant can reapply the next year.
In the event that an applicant needs aid in completing their application or certification throughout the process, a designated contact may stand in place of the applicant with the completion and submission of the Contact Person Form which can be found on the last page of every application. If there is a family member with power of attorney the Contact Person Form need not be filled out if the contact with power of attorney can provide documented proof. If there is no power of attorney and no Contact Person Form completed the information regarding the REAP or RECAP application or certification will only be discussed with the applicant.
Does Henrico County offer any programs providing real estate tax relief? Yes, the Real Estate Advantage Program (REAP) and the Real Estate CAP Program (RECAP) provides real estate tax relief to citizens who, as of December 31st, 2024 are sixty-five (65) years of age or older, or 100 percent permanently and totally disabled.
Do I have to verify my age, income or disability? If applying for the first time, attach a copy of each owner’s driver’s license or birth certificate as proof of age. Proof of Disability is required for those under 65 years of age only. A certificate from the Social Security Administration (Awards letter copy), Railroad Retirement Board, Department of Veterans Affairs or signed affidavits by two medical doctors licensed in Virginia to the effect that such person is permanently and totally disabled.
What is included in “Total Income”? Total income means income before deductions, subject to tax under federal income tax laws, regulations, rules, or policies prior to any adjustments, deductions or exemptions. PLUS the total income of relatives living in the
dwelling which may not exceed $75,000 (REAP) and $125,000 (RECAP). The first $10,000 of the relatives’ income (other than spouse) is excluded from the calculation. Examples of income include: salaries, wages, social security benefits, pension/annuity, interest income, dividend income, capital gains, business income, rents received, welfare and gifts, etc.
How is Net Worth Determined? he maximum net worth allowed for applicant, spouse, co-owners and their spouse is $500,000 (REAP) and $750,000 (RECAP) as of December 31st. The dwelling and up to ten acres of land on which the dwelling is located is excluded. Examples of items included in net worth: vehicles, checking and savings accounts, certificates of deposit, stocks and bonds, life insurance policies with a cash value, etc.
What is the maximum exemption awarded by the County? The current maximum exemption is 100% up to $3,200 in tax relief for REAP and the RECAP placed a cap on a real estate tax bill.
How does the County determine the amount of tax relief that is awarded? The County determines the amount awarded by examining an applicant’s income and net worth. The REAP award will be 100% of the taxes due up to $3,200. Should the applicant exceed the maximum net worth then notes payable, charge cards, personal loans, and other debts are considered and subtracted from the net worth.
Is this a form of charity? No, this program is a result of Henrico County’s appreciation for its senior residents for their many years of paying for the services the County is able to provide. It is one way to give back to many residents who may be on a fixed income.
What do I have to do to apply? To obtain an application or certification form please call (804) 501-4263. You can also print the REAP application and certification and the RECAP application and certification. Additionally, you may also collect the necessary forms from one of our auditors by going to one of the two government centers listed below. Should you need help filling out an application or just have questions about REAP or RECAP you can also stop by these locations to talk to our helpful auditors: The Western Government Center 4301 East Parham Road, Room 135 Henrico, VA 23228 or The Eastern Government Center 3820 Nine Mile Road Henrico, Virginia 23273
What is the deadline to apply for REAP and RECAP? Applications must be received by April 1st. Note: First time filers and hardship cases have until December 31st.
Once I qualify for REAP and RECAP, how do I pay the balance of my taxes? You simply follow the normal tax payment cycle.
Will my financial information be available to the public? No, Virginia Code Section 58.1-3 protects your financial information from public inspection.
Am I required to file an application every year? After the first initial qualifying year has passed (the year you fill out your application and certification forms) you need only send in a renewal form for the next two years if there has been no change in your taxable income or net worth. Upon the fourth year of qualifying for REAP or RECAP you must go through the application process and certification process again as you did in your first year.
How many people are participating in this program? We expect over 6,500 to be enrolled in the Tax Relief Program.
Can I have a family member or friend designated to handle the application process for me? Yes, but you must submit a written power of attorney with your application or have the contact Person Form filled out.
What happens if I am forced to leave my home and receive treatment in an assisted living facility, hospice care, extended hospital stay or nursing home? If your residence is not sold or rented to anyone then the relief will continue.
What if a nurse living with me or a family member assisting me, is their income included in the taxable income total? No, if you are getting assistance from someone then their income is not included in the total taxable income.
If my income or net worth increases dramatically, am I required to notify the County? Yes, Henrico County Code Section 20-72(h) provides for tax relief only during the period for which the applicant was eligible.
Can I apply for both REAP and RECAP? No, if you do not qualify for REAP, our office will review our qualifications for RECAP.