Soil Test Program

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available in person   In Person

Soil Test

Why should I test my soil?

Although fertilizer, lime, and other amendments can be very helpful in establishing happy, healthy plants, they pose a risk if not used properly. Excess fertilizer and chemicals wash away with rainwater and pollute our local streams and waterways, the James River, and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay. The first guideline of responsible fertilizer application is to take a soil sample and have it analyzed to determine fertilizer needs.

Soil samples are analyzed for specific soil nutrients to determine proper application rates of fertilizer and lime for optimum plant growth. Routine analysis includes soil pH, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe, and B.  Completed soil test results, along with a recommendation on fertilization and liming, are mailed to the client.

How do I test my soil?

Samples will be analyzed by the Virginia Tech Soil Testing Lab. Samples must be submitted to the lab in a sample box. Sampling and mailing instructions are provided with the sample boxes. In Henrico, soil sample kits are available at the local Extension Office or in any county library. Samples and payment should be sent directly to the lab. Soil samples are analyzed and recommendations generated usually within 3 working days of receipt.  Laboratory reports are mailed directly back to you and are also available from your local Extension office, which can provide additional assistance if needed.

How much does it cost?

The routine soil test is all one normally needs for a fertility evaluation. A routine soil test costs $10.

In order to promote the practice of soil testing, Henricopolis is participating in a grant facilitated by the Middle James Watershed Roundtable which will cover the $10.00 processing fee for a standard soil test (not including postage). Henrico County residents wishing to participate in this incentive program must request a soil test voucher.

Coupons are available by email. Emails must include your name and the physical address of the property. Email requests to [email protected] 

*Coupons are limited. First come, first serve. One per Henrico County address.

Contact Us

Henricopolis Soil and Water Conservation District

Henricopolis SWCD
8600 Dixon Powers Drive
Henrico, VA 23228

Main Office

Henricopolis SWCD
P.O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273



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