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Henrico County Events

Event Series Cinema at the Center: Belmont

Cinema at the Center: Belmont

Belmont Recreation Center 1600 Hilliard Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Belmont Recreation Center is hosting several "Cinema at the Center" events where visitors can enjoy a family-friendly movie inside the building. Movie is free, but space is limited. Popcorn will also be available, while supplies last. Fri, Sept 13 at 4 p.m. Thur, Oct 3 at 2 p.m. (HCPS Holiday) Fri, Nov 1 at 9 […]

Fairfield District Forum

Belmont Recreation Center 1600 Hilliard Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Please join Supervisor Roscoe D. Cooper III for his Fairfield District Forum constituent meeting. The forum will help to highlight programs and activities happening in the Fairfield District, including information from Voter Registration & Elections, Henrico Economic Development Authority, Community Development, Public Safety, and Henrico County Public Schools updates. Send questions in advance to [email protected] […]

Event Series Cinema at the Center: Belmont

Cinema at the Center: Belmont

Belmont Recreation Center 1600 Hilliard Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Belmont Recreation Center is hosting several "Cinema at the Center" events where visitors can enjoy a family-friendly movie inside the building. Movie is free, but space is limited. Popcorn will also be available, while supplies last. Fri, Sept 13 at 4 p.m. Thur, Oct 3 at 2 p.m. (HCPS Holiday) Fri, Nov 1 at 9 […]

Friday Night Fun

Belmont Recreation Center 1600 Hilliard Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Let's have some fun! Join us for an evening of activities that include a game truck, a game room, and more. Information: [email protected]

National Night Out: Belmont

Belmont Recreation Center 1600 Hilliard Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Join us for our annual National Night Out collaboration event! Celebrate with your neighbors in a community-building event that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie. Enjoy games, refreshments, and music! Information: [email protected]

Arrive Alive Henrico

Belmont Recreation Center 1600 Hilliard Road, Henrico, VA, United States

We want to hear from you! Join the Arrive Alive Henrico Team on Monday, June 3rd from 5:00 to 7:00 pm at the Belmont Recreation Center for an opportunity to share your ideas on ways to make Henrico County roads safer for everyone. The open house meeting will focus on reducing roadway fatalities and serious […]

End of School Celebration – Belmont

Belmont Recreation Center 1600 Hilliard Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Celebrate the end of school with snow cones, food trucks, crafts, and games outside or in the indoor community game room. Questions? Email [email protected] 

Spring Bash at Belmont

Belmont Recreation Center 1600 Hilliard Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Celebrate spring at Belmont Rec Center! Enjoy a rock wall, fantasy castle, crafts, outdoor games, and the indoor community game room. For more information, email [email protected]

Heart Health Crafternoon

Belmont Recreation Center 1600 Hilliard Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Henrico's Advocate for the Aging is hosting a Heart Health Crafternoon. We will be reviewing heart-healthy strategies with Jamie Smiley from Benchmark Senior Solutions, and crafting some beautiful Valentine's Day Cards on Thursday, February 8th from 2-3 pm at Belmont Recreation Center. Healthy snacks will be provided. We hope to see you there! RSVP in advance […]

Event Series Cinema at the Center: Belmont

Cinema at the Center: Belmont

Belmont Recreation Center 1600 Hilliard Road, Henrico, VA, United States

It's a 1/2 day for Henrico County Schools! Come by Belmont to see a family-friendly movie at 2 p.m. or 7 p.m. Call or email for title; hint - it includes some of your favorite video game characters. Movie is free, but space is limited. Popcorn will also be available (while supplies last). Information: [email protected] […]

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