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Henrico County Events

Event Series HenricoNext Listening Session

HenricoNext Listening Session

Tuckahoe Area Library 1901 Starling Drive, Henrico, VA, United States

HenricoNext Listening Session (Tuckahoe) Henrico residents are encouraged to help shape the county’s next comprehensive plan by participating in a series of meetings hosted by the Department of Planning in July and August. We want to hear your thoughts and ideas about the future of Henrico County. Community members only need to attend one session […]

Tuckahoe Talk

Tuckahoe Area Library 1901 Starling Drive, Henrico, VA, United States

Topics: Tuckahoe Creek Park, Police, Flood Maps, and H.E.A.R.T Join Tuckahoe Supervisor Jody Rogish as he shares highlights on various county topics, including updates on Tuckahoe Creek Park, the Police Division, FEMA flood maps, and Henrico’s Environmental Action Resource Team (H.E.A.R.T) environmental efforts. Multiple county leaders will be present to share and answer questions after […]

Gaylord Road Improvements Community Meeting

Tuckahoe Area Library 1901 Starling Drive, Henrico, VA, United States

There are three alternatives being considered to address the erosion and drainage issues within the existing ditch along the rear of the properties along Gaylord Road and Freestone Ave from Girard Ave to Parma Road. Project plans and schematics will be available to view, and County staff will be available to answer questions.  You will […]

Winter Emergency Preparedness

Tuckahoe Area Library 1901 Starling Drive, Henrico, VA, United States

  Henrico's Advocate for the Aging is hosting a Winter Emergency Preparedness Event. Come learn ways to ensure you, your home, and your vehicle are prepared for a safe winter. Presenters will include representatives from the Henrico Office of Emergency Management, AAA, The State Corporation Commission's Bureau of Insurance, and Dominion Energy. No registration is […]

Tuckahoe Town Meeting – Evening

Tuckahoe Area Library 1901 Starling Drive, Henrico, VA, United States

Topics: RECAP and Who Do I Call First?  Join Tuckahoe Supervisor Pat O’Bannon for her last town meeting as she prepares to retire. She has invited Henrico Finance Department to discuss the Real Estate CAP Program (RECAP) which will cap the real estate tax bills of qualifying homeowners. Also, engage in an open conversation to […]

Tuckahoe Town Meeting – Afternoon

Tuckahoe Area Library 1901 Starling Drive, Henrico, VA, United States

Topics: RECAP and Who Do I Call First?  Join Tuckahoe Supervisor Pat O’Bannon for her last town meeting as she prepares to retire. She has invited Henrico Finance Department as they discuss the Real Estate CAP Program (RECAP) which will cap the real estate tax bills of qualifying homeowners. Also, engage in an open conversation […]

Tuckahoe Town Meeting – Evening

Tuckahoe Area Library 1901 Starling Drive, Henrico, VA, United States

Topic: Safety All Around  Join Tuckahoe Supervisor Pat O’Bannon as she invites Director of Internal Audit Vaughan Crawley to explain the role of internal audit for the county. Also, Public Works will discuss the current sidewalk and crosswalk projects and the latest pedestrian safety campaign. Send questions in advance to [email protected] or ask during the […]

Tuckahoe Town Meeting – Afternoon

Tuckahoe Area Library 1901 Starling Drive, Henrico, VA, United States

Topic: Safety All Around  Join Tuckahoe Supervisor Pat O’Bannon as she invites Director of Internal Audit Vaughan Crawley to explain the role of internal audit for the county. Also, Public Works will discuss the current sidewalk and crosswalk projects and the latest pedestrian safety campaign. Send questions in advance to [email protected] or ask during the […]

Navigating Services for Senior Adults in Henrico County

Tuckahoe Area Library 1901 Starling Drive, Henrico, VA, United States

Meet the Advocate for the Aging for Henrico County and learn about resources available to Seniors, their families, and caregivers in our community. Call 804-501-5065 or email [email protected] with questions about the event. 

Tuckahoe Town Meeting – Evening

Tuckahoe Area Library 1901 Starling Drive, Henrico, VA, United States

Topic: Water, Refuse and Recycling Join Tuckahoe Supervisor Pat O’Bannon and Director of Public Utilities Bentley Chan as they advise residents on the services provided by DPU and upcoming initiatives of the department. Mr. Chan will also share insight on the large recycling cans that will be delivered to homes beginning in May. Send questions […]

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