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Chimney Inspections





                                SPECIAL NOTICE

TO: Interested Parties

FROM: Mechanical/Plumbing Inspection Supervisor

SUBJECT: Chimney Inspections

DATE: February 2, 2015

Section 103.5.1 of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code requires that chimneys be inspected whenever they are re-lined and upon the replacement or new installation of any fuel-burning appliances. The inspection is required to assure the chimney is properly sized for the equipment and to confirm that there are no obstructions, blockages or defects in the chimney. The chimney inspection can be performed either prior to, or in conjunction with, the final inspection of the equipment installation. We have created a new inspection code (220 – Chimney Liner Inspection) to document this required inspection.

Chimney liner inspections performed prior to the final inspection shall be made before the appliance or equipment is installed. The final inspection shall then be requested after approval of the chimney liner inspection and installation of the appliance or equipment.

Chimney inspections performed at the same time as the final inspection require that photographs be submitted prior to conducting the site inspection. Both inspections shall be requested at the same time through either the telephone (804) 501-7770 or internet ( inspection scheduling systems. The photographs shall be emailed to [email protected] when the chimney liner inspection (220) and the final mechanical inspection (290) are requested. The permit holder shall leave a message on the requested chimney liner inspection (220) confirming the email submission of the photographs. The photographs will be distributed to the applicable mechanical/plumbing inspector for use during the inspection. The photographs shall include:

• the interior of the newly installed or existing chimney liner from the point of connection to termination of the liner or flue,
• the interior and exterior of the vent connector at the chimney flue,
• the equipment connection to the vent, and
• the chimney cap if one is installed.

Photographs will not be approved in lieu of the field inspection of the installation. The inspector will use the photographs and the appliance manufacturer’s installation instructions to confirm code compliance during the inspection.
Please call me at (804) 501-4360 if you have any questions concerning this notice.


Charles E. Gerber
Mechanical/Plumbing Inspection Supervisor

Contact Us

Building Inspections

Physical Address
Department of Building Construction and Inspections
4301 East Parham Road
Henrico, VA 23228

(804) 501-4360
Automated Permit System
(804) 501-7770

Mailing Address
Department of Building Construction and Inspections
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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