Henrico County Events

Event Series Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission

Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission

Recreation & Parks Main Office 6800 Staples Mill Rd, Henrico, VA, United States

The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission (PRAC) serves as a liaison between the Director of Recreation and Parks, the Board of Supervisors, and the citizens of the community. The commission meets on the first Wednesday of each month. 2023 Meeting Notes & Changes July: Meeting will be held on July 12 (due to July 4th […]

Varina Community Conversations – Seven Pines ES

Seven Pines Elementary School 301 Beulah Rd, Sandston, VA, United States

Topics: Real Estate CAP Program and Recreation & Parks and H.E.A.R.T.  Join Varina Supervisor Tyrone Nelson and county leaders as they discuss the proposed Real Estate CAP Program and provide updates on parks and Henrico's Environmental Action Resource Team (H.E.A.R.T). Send questions in advance to [email protected] or submit them during the meeting in the online […]

James River Regional Cleanup

Osborne Park and Boat Landing 9530 Osborne Turnpike, Henrico, VA, United States

Osborne Park and Boat Landing Keep Henrico Beautiful and Recreation and Parks host the Henrico County site: Osborne Park and Boat Landing is located on the lower, tidal portion of the river in eastern Henrico. It is predominantly a site for boaters due to the outstanding launch facility located at the park. Cleanup times for […]

Event Series Second Saturdays Concert Series

Second Saturdays Concert Series 2023

Dorey Park 2999 Darbytown Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Join the Dorey Park Farmer's Market for an evening concert series featuring some of the best local bands in RVA! Free Admission! Food & Drink sales onsite. Bring a chair or blanket Gates open at 6pm. Music begins at 7pm. June 10: Music by Full Moon Fever July 8: Music by The Mighty Good Times […]

Event Series Historic Preservation Advisory Committee

Historic Preservation Advisory Committee

Recreation & Parks Main Office 6800 Staples Mill Rd, Henrico, VA, United States

The Henrico Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (HPAC) advises the Henrico County Board of Supervisors regarding the identification, interpretation, rehabilitation, protection and preservation of historical and cultural resources located within the County. HPAC meets on the second Tuesday of each month. 2023 Meeting Notes April: Meeting location TBD August: No Meeting December 6: Joint Meeting and […]

Event Series Board of Supervisors Meeting

Board of Supervisors Meeting


Board of Supervisors meetings can be viewed live from your computer, and all agendas and recording of meetings are archived. If you wish to speak at this Board meeting during the public comment period, please fill out the Meeting Participation Form. Webex Event Link and Guidance for the Board of Supervisors Meeting

Henrico Pops Chorus

Henrico Theatre 305 E. Nine Mile Road, Henrico, VA

*Please note the time change. The concert will begin at 7:00 p.m.* Under the direction of founding music director, Bobbie Moore, the Henrico Pops Chorus is celebrating it’s “25th Anniversary Concert - Thanks for the Memories” highlighting favorite songs from the various programs over the years, including Tin Pan Alley, Disney, Patriotic, Singer-Songwriters, Tribute to […]

Salsa at Sunset 2023

Deep Run Recreation Center 9910 Ridgefield Parkway, Henrico, VA, United States

It’s salsa night at Deep Run Park! Bring yourself, a date or the whole family for an evening of group instruction, food trucks, and dancing at sunset. Bring a chair, water bottle, and dancing. Information: [email protected]  

Event Series Henrico Live

Henrico Live: Ladies of Motown

Henrico Theatre 305 E. Nine Mile Road, Henrico, VA

Relive all of your favorite hits with the Ladies of Soul! Dance along to songs by Diana Ross & The Supremes, Gladys Knight, The Marvelettes, Tina Turner and so much more! Tickets cost $10 per show. To purchase tickets, go to henricolive.com or visit the box office.

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