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Henrico County Events

Movie in the Park

Armour House & Gardens 4001 Clarendon Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Join us at Amour House & Meadowview Park for an outdoor showing of the movie, Night at the Museum. Bring your dinner, lawn chair or a blanket, and a flashlight. […]

Earth Day Festival

Deep Run Park 9900 Ridgefield Pkwy, Henrico, VA

Henrico Recreation & Parks and Keep Henrico Beautiful will host a festival celebrating Earth Day on Saturday April 22nd from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM at Deep Run Park.  There […]

Shred It To Protect It Event

Eastern Government Center 3820 Nine Mile Rd., Henrico, VA, United States

Come bring any documents you need to shredded and safely disposed of! View PDF of Flyer

Drug Take Back Day 2023


The Drug Enforcement Administration's Drug Take Back Day is April 22 this year! From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., come to one of these three locations to safely dispose of […]

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