‘A project that bridges … communities’: Henrico celebrates Creighton Road improvements

Creighton Rd 1

Wide and realigned, the new Creighton Road in eastern Henrico County is complete.

County officials celebrated the roughly $16 million project with a ribbon-cutting event Dec. 19. The new road is a common thoroughfare for motorists but also acts as the dividing line between the Fairfield and Varina districts.

To mark such a distinctive project, Varina District Supervisor and Board Chair Tyrone E. Nelson and Fairfield District Supervisor Roscoe D. Cooper III cut the ribbon together, holding the same pair of large gold scissors.

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“This is truly a project that bridges both communities,” Nelson said. The project broke ground in March 2023, and finished ahead of its initial scheduled completion in 2025. Creighton is now a four-lane divided roadway between Sandy Lane and North Laburnum Avenue, allowing safer travel by motorists between the two roads. The newly aligned road also features new box culverts to prevent flooding, which had occurred regularly on the old stretch of Creighton.

Dabbs House Road has also been realigned and now intersects with Creighton about 500 feet west of its previous location. With this intersection now farther from the busy intersection with North Laburnum, motorists have a safer turn onto Creighton.

But motorists aren’t the only ones to benefit. With new sidewalks and other pedestrian accommodations along Creighton and Dabbs House, pedestrians can safely travel the area in a way that previously wasn’t possible.

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“We’re not just focused on fixing roads — we’re focused on saving lives and ensuring that our community’s infrastructure works for everyone, whether they’re in a car, on a bike or on foot,” Nelson said.

Officials said these types of projects have been shown to benefit the surrounding communities.

“By enhancing the infrastructure here, we are ensuring that every resident, no matter where they live or how they get around, has the same opportunities to move freely and safely in our county,” Cooper said.

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