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2025 Program Details

The fifth My Henrico Academy (MHA) program is expected to run next spring from April to June. Classes will be held on Thursdays 3:45-7:30 p.m. Each session will be hosted at a different location throughout the county’s five magisterial districts.

If you are interested in next session, use and share this link to sign up for MHA 2025 program announcements. The application period is planned to begin in early 2025. To learn more, visit MHA for program information and videos.

Follow MHA at for updates and to stay connected.

2025 Curriculum

April 10 – Session 1: Henrico is a great place to live, work and play (Fairfield Area Library)

April 17- Session 2: Your Voice Counts: Get involved in your community to make a difference (Twin Hickory Library)

April 24 – Session 3: Economic development is flourishing in Henrico: Learn how to do business in the county (Libbie Mill Area Library)

May 8 – Session 4: Learning is lifelong: Learn about career and educational opportunities (Twin Hickory Recreation Center)

May 15 – Session 5: A healthy life is a quality life: Prioritizing overall wellness in Henrico (Tuckahoe Area Library)

May 29 – Session 6: Keeping you safe and protected in Henrico (Fire Drill Training Center)

June 5 – Program Graduation (Henrico Theatre)


For questions and information, email Raina Vann at [email protected] and Elva Collins at [email protected].

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