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Supervisor Dan Schmitt invites Brookland input on potential police review board

Constituents encouraged to sign up for virtual meeting Aug. 20

Board of Supervisors Vice Chairman and Brookland District Supervisor Dan Schmitt will hold a virtual Constituent Conversation meeting Thursday, Aug. 20 to receive input on Henrico County’s potential creation of a civilian review board for the Police Division.

The meeting will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. via the Webex video-conferencing platform. The meeting is open to the public but intended for residents of Brookland.

Participants must register in advance. Before the meeting, they will receive an email prompting them to sign in with their name and email address. A moderator will indicate when it is their opportunity to speak.

The Board of Supervisors has been receiving input on the possible creation of a civilian review board and has encouraged further community discussion, following recent police killings of Black Americans, including George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Henrico officials expect to defer any local action on a civilian review board until after the Virginia General Assembly considers the issue for possible statewide implementation in late summer.

Residents may determine their magisterial district by entering their address online or by reviewing a county map. For more information on the meeting, contact Victoria Davis at [email protected].

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