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available online  Online   
available over the phone  Telephone   
available via mail  Via Mail   
available via fax  Via Fax   
available in person  In Person   
pay near me  Pay Near Me

Alarm-False Alarm Bill Payment

Pay your bill for a false alarm fee or reinstate emergency response to your security alarm at your business or residence.
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available over the phone
available via mail
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available in person
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Bank Franchise Tax

The bank franchise tax is an annual tax measured by the net capital of a bank.

Business Personal Property Tax

Business Personal Property Tax

Business Tax Filing and Payment Portal

Manage Business Taxes (renewing, filing and payment options). Business taxes cover many areas including Business License, Meals Tax, Business Personal Property, and Misc. Taxes.
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Felony and Appealed Misdemeanor Case : Payment Information

If convicted of a Felony or Misdemeanor offense in the Henrico Circuit Court, costs will be assessed against the defendant as well as any court imposed fine. All costs are assessed pursuant to the Code of Virginia. Fines and/or costs are expected to be paid at the time of conviction unless a payment plan is established. The Criminal Division does accept personal checks, money order, Visa, MasterCard and cash.
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available in person
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Meals Tax

The meals tax is levied on food and beverages sold by restaurants.

Online Payments

Henrico County accepts electronic payments for personal property taxes, real estate taxes, utility bills, parking tickets, false alarm fees, planning fees, building inspection fees and elevator certificate fees.
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Online Tax Bills

You can also safely and securely view your bill online, consolidate your tax bills into one online account, set up notifications and reminders to be sent to your email or mobile phone, schedule payments, create an online wallet, and pay with one click using credit/debit or your checking account.
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Pari-Mutual Betting Tax

Off-Track Betting or Pari-Mutual Betting Fees tax began in Henrico County December 10, 1996, with the opening of the Off-Track Betting (OTB) facility at 9127 W. Broad St, Henrico, which is split by the County/City line.

Pay by Mail

Payment option for bills or taxes by mail.
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available via mail
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Pay by Phone

Payment option for bills or taxes by phone.
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available over the phone
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Pay in Person

Payment option for bills or taxes that are paid in person.
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Pay Near Me

The County has partnered with PayNearMe to offer an easy and convenient cash payment option.
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Pay Utility Bill

The Henrico Department of Public Utilities bills customers for water and sewer services bi-monthly.
available online
available over the phone
available via mail
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available in person
pay near me
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