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Pay Near Me

available in person   In Person

Taxpayers can pay with CASH at 7-Eleven©, CVS Pharmacy and Family Dollar using PayNearMe.

The County has partnered with PayNearMe to offer an easy and convenient cash payment option. To pay with PayNearMe you will need a PayNearMe Paycode that you can print or send to your mobile phone. To obtain a PayNearMe Paycode, for Personal Property and Real Estate, go to; call 804-501-4678; or click on the links below:

Personal Property

Real Estate


Take the Paycode to any 7-Eleven, CVS Pharmacy or Family Dollar cashier. The Paycode scans at the register. There are no forms to fill out. Tell the clerk how much you want to pay in cash. You can reuse the Paycode for future payments of the same type.

PayNearMe is currently available for Personal Property Tax, Real Estate Tax and Utility Bills only. More payment types will be available in the future.

It is important accurate payment information be provided, which includes the correct account number and payment type. If an incorrect account number or payment type is provided, the payment may be rejected, and you could be subject to additional fees or late payment penalties.

For more information on taxes, licenses, and fees visit our FAQ
For more information on important tax dates visit Important Tax Dates

Contact Us

(804) 501-4678


Department of Finance
4301 East Parham Road
Henrico, VA 23228

Finance Main Number
(804) 501-4729

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

Phone Numbers by Topic


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