Plans of Development and Site Plan
All new applications for Plans of Development or Site Plans should be submitted using the Land Development Application in Build Henrico.
Build Henrico Processes, Forms, and Checklists
Request for Pre-Application Meeting – A pre-application meeting may be requested to discuss specific process and submittal requirements for your project. This brief review by County Agencies is not a technical review and should not be considered an alternative for a Concept Plan Review.
Legacy Comment and Approved Plan Request Form – Form to request previous review comments and/or previously approved plans.
Plan of Development and Site Plan Review Process – Detailed step by step explanation of how a proposed multi-family, commercial or industrial development is submitted to the County for review.
Planning Application Signature Form – to be completed and uploaded for each initial submission of any of the Application Types noted below.
Concept Plan Checklist – An optional conceptual submittal is designed to provide the applicant big picture review comments from all review agencies. The more detailed the plan, the more detailed the review comments. There is no submittal fee.
Plan of Development and Site Plan Checklist – The initial application for all POD and site plan approvals (which includes a checklist detailing all submittal requirements). This checklist also includes POD/Site Plan Construction Plan requirements.
Plan of Development and Site Plans for Signature – Final Construction Plan Application –Engineered site construction plans are submitted for review after the Director of Planning approves the initial POD or site plan.
Clearing and Grubbing Plan Checklist – This partial approval enables the developer to begin initial site work on a limited scope as defined within the application, prior to approval of the full site plan for a property.
Easement and Right of Way Widening Plat Application – County public easements and right of way widening plats required per the review of the civil/construction plans must be submitted for review prior to recordation of the easement and/or right of way plat. For more information on this application and how to submit, please contact Real Property at 804-501-5079.
Easement Vacation and Quitclaim Application – Requests for easements or rights-of-way to be vacated or quitclaimed in conjunction with a Plan of Development application. For more information on this application and how to submit, please contact Real Property at 804-501-5079.
Minor Construction Checklist – Small areas of construction with a limited scope of work can be reviewed under this process if the work is not part of an active construction plan process and receives preauthorization by Planning.
Plan of Development or Site Plan Transfer of Approval Checklist – When a property is sold or transferred, the existing Plan of Development or Site Plan approval for a site must be transferred to the new owner of a property by the Director of Planning.
Landscape, Lighting and Fence Plan Checklist – Landscaping and lighting plan review is an integral aspect of the overall review of a Plan of Development or Site Plan. Fencing could also be an aspect in need of review, including requests for alternative fence heights as allowed in the zoning ordinance. Lighting and fencing may also be submitted as part of the initial POD in lieu of using this application. Additionally, this application may be used for a security plan or tree removal permit.
Special Limited Power of Attorney Form – Used when the owner of the property will be represented in this matter by another individual.
Please see our Fee Schedule.
Please contact the Planning Department and specifically the Plan Expeditor for questions concerning the appropriate usage of these applications.