Children’s Services Act (CSA)

Serving At-Risk Youth and Families of Henrico County

What is the Children’s Services Act for At-Risk Youth and Families? 

The Children’s Services Act (CSA) is a law enacted in 1993 that establishes a single state pool of funds to purchase services for at- risk youth and their families.  The CSA is a State mandated, locally implemented program, that ensures these purchased services are provided to eligible youth and their families.  The state pool funds, combined with local community funds, are managed by local inter-agency teams who plan and oversee services to youth.

Who is eligible for services? 

Youth who have been identified as needing one of the following are eligible for CSA funded services:

  • Youth who have been placed in foster care
  • Youth that have been identified as being at risk and needing services to prevent foster care
  • Youth who have been determined to be a Child In Need of Services or Supervision
  • Youth who require private day school placement for specialized education services as mandated by their Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

*To find out if your child is eligible, please contact the CSA office

The Henrico Policy and Management Team

The HPMT is a multi-agency team whose membership is established by the Code of Virginia. Membership includes the directors who represent the County’s child serving agencies, (Henrico Mental Health and Developmental Services, Juvenile Court Services, Public Health, Public Schools, and Social Services), as well as a local government administrator; a private provider representative; and a parent representative.  The HPMT oversees the administration of Henrico’s CSA program by coordinating agency efforts and managing the available funds for services.  The HPMT provides oversight and support to the CSA Coordinator who supervises the daily operation of the local CSA program.

The Family Assessment and Planning Team (FAPT)

FAPT is a multi-disciplinary team comprised of representatives from the County’s child serving agencies, a private provider, and a parent representative.  The FAPT, in partnership with the youth and family, meet to collaboratively develop a service plan based on the identified strengths and needs of the youth and family.  Meetings are intended for the FAPT and the parents/guardians to share their knowledge, expertise as it relates to the needs which brought the family to the CSA process.  The FAPT is responsible for recommending services that will assist in the implementation of the service plan that is developed through the FAPT process.  Follow up FAPT meetings occur at a minimum of every 90 days for the purpose of reviewing the service plan, measuring progress toward the stated goals, identifying ongoing service needs, and to decide when services are no longer needed.

CSA Contacts

NameTitleE-Mail Phone Fax
Tracy E Johnson, MSWCSA Coordinator[email protected] 501-7380 501-4006
Megan Dudley, MSWCSA Service Specialist[email protected] 501-4026 501-4006
Donna Clements, MSWCSA Service Specialist[email protected] 501-4071 501-4006
Kasey LumpkinsManagement Assistant[email protected] 501-5163 501-4006


CSA State Website –

  • Includes state CSA policies, Provider directory, CANS documents and policies, and more

CANS Training

CANVaS 2.0 –

  • Link to the online application of the Virginia Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) assessment. This is the mandatory uniform assessment required for all children and youth served by the Children’s Services Act (CSA) (§2.2-5200 et. seq.).  This site is intended solely for the use of authorized local public agency (department of social services, court services units, community services boards/behavioral health authority, school divisions and CSA) staff.

Contact Us

Social Services

West End
8600 Dixon Powers Dr.
Henrico, VA 23228

East End (Benefit Programs only)
3820 Nine Mile Road
Henrico, VA 23223

Social Services
(804) 501-4001
Adult Protective Services
(804) 501-7346
Child Protective Services
(804) 501-5437

(804) 501-4006

[email protected]

Mail for both offices
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

After 4:00pm, Weekends and Holidays

Adult Abuse & Neglect: (888) 832-3858

Child Abuse & Neglect: (800) 552-7096

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