
  • Become a Henrico Master Gardener Volunteer - Henrico Master Gardeners are trained volunteer educators. They work within their local communities to encourage and promote environmentally sound horticulture practices through sustainable landscape management education and training.
  • Call the Horticulture Helpline for answers to your Lawn & Garden Questions! - A team of trained Master Gardeners are available to help answer gardening and pest questions, and solve problems using current research-based information.
  • Don’t Guess, Soil Test! - A soil test can provide information on the proper amount of lime and fertilizer to apply to your lawn, garden and other areas of your landscape.
  • Garden Talks – Do You Need a Speaker? - The Henrico Extension Office offers presentations to interested garden clubs, civic organizations, homeowners associations, and other community organizations in Henrico County.
  • Join Henrico 4-H! - 4-H provides a large variety of educational learning opportunities and experiences. Leadership, citizenship, and life skills are taught through learn-by-doing projects, local club programs, and 4-H camps, as well as at county, district, state, and national events.
  • Join the SMART Lawns Program - The SMART Lawns program is on hiatus for 2024. Please check back April 2025!
  • SMART Scapes - Master Gardener teams educate homeowners on best management practices for a beautiful, healthy and sustainable landscape. This includes a focus on conservation practices to restore and protect our local watersheds, reducing the use of water, fertilizer, herbicides, and pesticides.
  • Submit a Sample to the Plant Diagnostic Clinic - Professional staff and Master Gardeners in our Diagnostic Lab identify insects, plants, plant diseases, and weed problems, offering the latest management methods along with background and life cycle information.

Contact Us

Extension Office

Physical Address
8600 Dixon Powers Dr.
Henrico Government Complex, Human Services Building
Henrico, VA 23228

(804) 501-5160

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775


Office hours:
8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. EST,
Monday through Friday

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