- Birth Certificate
- Baptismal record
- Passport/Visa
- Medical/hospital record
- Crib card bearing child’s name/date of birth
- Hospital/clinic record
- Social Security card
- AFDC/Welfare Photo ID
- Proof that mother is on WIC (WIC ID Folder)
- Birth Certificate
- Driver’s License
- Passport/Visa
- Immigration or Naturalization Record
- Marriage certificate/license
- Medical/Hospital record or chart
- Hospital/clinic ID card
- School records
- Military records/Military ID/Military Discharge papers
- Social Security card
- AFDC/Welfare photo ID or copy of letter from Social Services stating amount of AFDC payments
- Valid Medicaid Card
WIC Services
- Women, Infants & Children (WIC) - The Virginia WIC Program serves low-income pregnant, lactating and postpartum women and children up to age five.