Police Policy: Recruitment

PDFApril 30, 2021
Viewed 1857 times.

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Department Policy

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Police policy regarding how the Division is to fill vacant positions with the best qualified applicants without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, or disability.

Find below complete policy content or download the official directive



To ensure the Police Division fills vacant positions with the best qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or status as a veteran, or any other characteristic protected by
law (except where such is a bona fide occupational qualification).


The Police Division is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EEO) and seeks those qualified individuals who are dedicated to developing a career as a professional police officer or working as a civilian member of this agency without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or status as a veteran, or any other characteristic protected by law (except where such is a bona fide occupational qualification). Recruits from all areas of the United States will be considered, but if employed, must be willing to establish residency
within a reasonable distance from headquarters.



A. The Commander, Personnel shall act as the Police Division’s liaison with the County Human Resource Department and will seek and utilize their assistance and expertise in recruiting efforts by participating in organized recruiting programs with them at community organizations, high schools, colleges, and other centers of higher learning.

B. The Police Division Recruiter, in partnership with the Division’s Office of Public Affairs, will announce vacancies to interested individuals and community service organizations.

C. Contacts with other organizations, key leaders, and community service organizations will be shared with the County Human Resource Department and invitations to participate in Law Enforcement Recruiting programs will be extended to them.


A. The Commander, Personnel shall have the responsibility for the Police Division’s recruitment program and shall maintain and continually develop the recruitment efforts for those positions which the Police Division has sole recruiting responsibility.

B. The Commander, Personnel shall seek training in personnel matters, especially EEO/Affirmative Action, and develop a similar level of knowledge in other individuals assigned to the unit.

C. The Police Division’s recruiting efforts will offer opportunities to other Police Division personnel, especially minorities and women, to participate in recruiting programs. Additionally, the Police Division’s newsletter or e-mail system will be utilized to inform members of recruitment or testing periods and solicit referrals from them.

D. Recruiting efforts will not be restricted to the service community but shall be extended to all areas of the Commonwealth of Virginia. When logistically and economically feasible, this effort may be extended to any area of the country.

E. Recruitment Plan shall outline agency steps to achieve the goal of an ethnic, racial, and gender workforce composition in the sworn law enforcement ranks in approximate proportion to the makeup of the available workforce in the law enforcement agency’s service community. The recruitment plan shall include the following:

1. Statement of objectives;
2. Plan of action designed to achieve the objectives identified in bullet (a) above; and
3. Identify members, inside or outside the agency, responsible for plan administration.


A. Announcements for vacancies or recruiting periods shall include, at a minimum a description of the duties, requisite skills, responsibilities, educational level, and physical requirements.

B. All announcements will be publicized for at least ten working days prior to the application deadline.

C. When appropriate, broadcast, digital, internet, outdoor and/or print media will be used to announce recruitment periods.

D. All job announcements, literature, or other publications used in recruiting efforts will advertise the Police Division as an Equal Opportunity Employer. Additionally, literature used with photographs will depict women and minorities in various law enforcement roles.


A. Active Recruitment Periods

1. All applications must be submitted online at henrico.us/jobs. Applicants without direct internet access will be directed to the nearest Henrico County library where they can access the application site.
2. Applicants will be periodically informed of the status of their applications. Documentation shall be maintained within the unit from initial application to the final employment disposition.

B. Non-Active Recruitment Periods

1. The Police Division does not maintain applications on file for any position if there is no active recruitment period or selection process.
2. Persons interested in positions with the Police Division may learn of vacancies through social media announcements, the County’s iRecruitment system, the Police Recruiter at 501-5238, or by calling the Police Personnel Office. Individuals inquiring about job opportunities with the Police Division will be referred to the Personnel Recruiter to discuss job qualifications and opportunities.


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