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Public Comment Period

The Board of Supervisors of the County of Henrico is committed to allowing members of the public the opportunity to offer comments and suggestions for the efficient and effective administration of government. In addition to public hearings, a special time is set aside at each Board meeting for the purpose of receiving such comments and suggestions. All citizen comments addressed to the Board during the Public Comment period shall be subject to the following procedures:

A Public Comment period is held at each regular Board meeting for topics not appearing on the meeting agenda. The comment period will be limited to a maximum of thirty minutes unless the Board elects to extend the time limit.

Each citizen may speak for a maximum of five minutes during the Public Comment period. Subjects requiring more time for discussion may be added by unanimous consent of the Board to the end of the general agenda at the request of the citizen.

Citizens who wish to speak during the Public Comment period are encouraged to register to speak.

Citizens will be acknowledged by the Board Chairman and will address all comments to the Board. Citizen speakers will address the Board from the speaker’s lectern at the front of the room and will begin their remarks by stating their name and address. Discussions between citizen speakers and members of the audience will not be allowed.

Citizens who have prepared written remarks or supporting documents are encouraged to leave a copy of such remarks and documents with the Clerk of the Board for inclusion in the Board minutes.


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Contact Us

Board of Supervisors

(804) 501-4208

(804) 501-5361

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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