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How to Subscribe / Unsubscribe

The Board of Supervisors and County Manager’s Office has set up e-mail lists for persons interested in being notified when agendas for regular meetings of the Board of Supervisors and Agend-O-Grams (meeting summaries) are published on-line.

Agendas and Agend-O-Grams are typically published twice a month, coinciding with regular Board meetings. These are normally held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. View this year’s regular Board meeting calendar.

As a general rule, agendas will be posted by Thursday or Friday afternoon and no later than Monday afternoon before a Tuesday Board meeting. Agend-O-Grams are typically posted by Thursday afternoon and no later than Friday after a Tuesday Board meeting.


Subscribe Board Meeting Agenda notices

Subscribe Agend-O-Gram notices


You can unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions at the bottom of the last e-mail you receive from the list, or use the links below:
Unsubscribe Board Meeting Agenda notices

Unsubscribe Agend-O-Gram notices


Should you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] by e-mail or phone at (804) 501-4436.

Contact Us

Board of Supervisors

(804) 501-4208

(804) 501-5361

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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