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Regional Cooperation Brochure

John Vithoulkas County Manager of Henrico CountyOn behalf of the Henrico County Board of Supervisors, I am pleased to present the Henrico County Report on Regional Cooperation.

This document highlights the many ways Henrico is working to build a stronger region, through programs, initiatives and agreements with neighboring communities, state and federal agencies, and other entities.

These efforts — now totaling about 240 — play an important, sometimes overlooked role in the region’s success. They touch practically every function of local government, including public safety, education, economic development, procurement, tourism, libraries, recreation, recycling, public utilities and transportation.

These efforts mean safer neighborhoods, more efficient use of tax dollars, better policies and a stronger quality of life for residents. Some are routine, such as day-to-day communication and coordination between our staffs and service on regional boards and commissions. Others command public attention and investment — for example, the Greater Richmond Convention Center, Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School for Government and International Studies and CodeRVA Regional High School, which opened in fall 2017.

For context, it is important to remember that Virginia’s system of government establishes counties and cities as independent entities. Above all, each must be focused on serving and advancing the interests of its residents.

At the same time, the state allows flexibility to look beyond jurisdictional lines, when appropriate. As one of Virginia’s original counties, Henrico understands its strategic position in the central Virginia and Mid-Atlantic regions.

To underscore Henrico’s commitment to the region’s well-being, this report organizes efforts in six categories that reflect the type of community we strive to be:

• Safe and secure;
• Vibrant, prosperous and on the move;
• Customer-focused, well-managed, fiscally sound and efficient;
• Responsible with infrastructure and natural resources;
• Engaged, active and always learning; and
• Healthy and caring.

The success of Henrico, our neighboring communities and the region are intertwined in many ways. I encourage you to get involved and take advantage of all that makes our community such a wonderful place to be.

John A. Vithoulkas
Henrico County Manager


Click on a name to view a description

Acute Care Project

Advocates for an Intercultural RVA (AI-RVA)

Aging Services

All Henrico Reads

Animal Protection Police Services

Area Planning and Services Committee

Audit Directors Regional Group

Bus Rapid Transit

Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT)

Capital Area Coalition of Local Social Services Boards

Capital Area Library Directors Meetings

Capital Region Collaborative (CRC)

Capital Region Communications Steering Committee (CRCSC)

Capital Region Crime Prevention Education

Capital Region Land Conservancy

Capital Region Workforce Partnership

Capital Region Workforce Partners Management Team

Capital Regional Caucus


Central Regional Supervisory Group

Central Virginia All Hazards Incident Management Team (CVAHIMT)

Central Virginia Coalition of Children’s Services Act Coordinators

Central Virginia Emergency Management Alliance (CVEMA)

Central Virginia Healthcare Coalition

Central Virginia Large Event Medical Response System

Central Virginia Partnership on Youth

Central Virginia Public Safety Media Council

Central Virginia Waste Management Authority (CVWMA)

Chamber RVA, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and Asian Chamber of Commerce

Chesterfield Jail Inmate Sharing

Chief Elected Official (CEO) and Chief Administrative Official (CAO) Meetings

Children’s Response & Stabilization Team

Chronic Disease Preventative Collaborative Network

Citie of Henricus

Citizen Corps Programming

Coalition for Children and Youth

Cobbs Creek Reservoir Water Supply Project

CodeRVA Regional High School

Commodity Agriculture Training and Research

Community College Workforce Alliance (CCWA)

Community Corrections Regional Purchasing

Community Development Block Grant, HOME and Emergency Solutions Grant funding

Community Development Deputies’ Meeting

Community Health Advisory Team (CHAT)

Community Health Worker (CHW) Advisory Group

Community Support Services

Computerized Warrant Information Sharing

Cooperative Housing of Inmates/Juvenile Offenders

Cooperative Jailing of Offenders

Cooperative Purchasing

Crisis Intervention Team Training


Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV)

Domestic Violence Task Force

Donated Funds

Drug Enforcement Administration Task Force

Emergency Management Policy and Grants

EMS Training

Enhanced 911

Enterprise Zone Program

ESF-8 Working Group

Explorer Post (Fire)

Explorer Post 608 (Police)

Explosive Ordnance Device (EOD) Regional Team

Finance, Taxation and Budget

Friendship Café with Senior Connections, The Capital Area Agency on Aging

Fugitive Task Force

Gang Task Force

General Registrar Voter Transfers

Greater Richmond Association for Volunteer Administration (GRAVA)

Greater Richmond Coalition for Healthy Children

Greater Richmond Convention Center

Greater Richmond Partnership, Inc. (GRP)

Greater RVA and Petersburg Oral Health Steering Committee

GRTC Transit System

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program

Hazardous Material Response

Healthy Learning Coalition

Help Eliminate Auto Theft (HEAT) Project

Henrico Area Mental Health & Developmental Services Community Services Board

Henrico Community Criminal Justice Board

Henrico County Local Emergency Planning Commission

Henrico Heroin/Opioid Task Force

Henrico Regional Water Reclamation Facility

Henrico Sheriff’s Office and the Department of Corrections Prerelease Program

Henrico Sheriff’s Office and Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program (VASAP)

Henrico Sheriff’s Office Partnership with the Denver Colorado Sheriff’s Office

Henrico Water Treatment Facility


Human Resources Administration Information Sharing

Human Resources Directors Joint Recruitment Efforts

Infant and Toddler Connection of Henrico Area

Inmate Labor Sharing

Interdiction Task Force

Intergovernmental Personnel Advisory Committee

Interlibrary Loan

Internal Affairs

Internet Crimes Against Children

Internship Program with Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Virginia Union University (VUU) and the Henrico Sheriff’s Office

J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College

James River Advisory Council

James River Certified Development Corporation (JRCDC)

James River Juvenile Detention Commission

James River Outdoor Coalition

James River Parade of Lights

Joint Border Patrols

Joint Employment Services Initiative

Joint Investigations

Joint Management Development Training

Joint Regional Audit Efforts

Joint Tactical Operations Training

Joint Terrorism Task Force

Joint Uniform Task Force Operations (License, Equipment, Sobriety and Speed)

Junior Achievement of Central Virginia (JACV)

Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreements

Leadership Metro Richmond (LMR)

Local Child Welfare Supervisors Meetings

Local Social Services Directors Meetings

Long-Term Care

Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School

Marine Patrol

Master Gardener Program

MathScience Innovation Center>/a>

Maymont Foundation


Mental Health Emergency Services

Metro Aviation Unit

Metro Fire Chiefs Association

Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium (MERC)

Metropolitan Educational Training Alliance

Metropolitan Richmond Air Quality Committee

Metropolitan Richmond Sports Backers

Metro Richmond Crime Stoppers

Metro Richmond Emergency Planning Group

Metro Richmond Fire Investigation Team

Metro Richmond Identity Theft Task Force

Metro Richmond Regional Crime Analysis Committee

Metro Risk Manager’s Association

Metro Street Crimes Unit

Multijurisdictional Grand Jury

Natural Gas

Office of Multicultural Affairs Networking Meeting

Operation Innkeeper

Operation Pipeline

Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force

Partnership of Office Services Support Employees in Social Services (POSSESS)

PD-15 Benefit Programs Organization

Personal Property Information

Pesticide Application Training

Plant Health Diagnostics

Precious Metals, Thefts and Control Group

Proactive Approach to Community Opioid Crisis

Public Health Emergency Preparedness

Real Estate Assessment Information

Reciprocal Library Borrowing Policy

Region 1 Autism Education Consortium

Region 1 Emergency Management Planning Group

Regional 4-H Youth Education

Regional Adult Mental Health Crisis Stabilization Program

Regional Authorization Committee

Regional Behavioral Skills Training

Regional Building Official Meetings

Regional Child Mental Health Crisis Stabilization Program

Regional Community Services Boards Consortium

Regional Developmental Disabilities Case Managers/Support Coordinators Committee

Regional Disability Directors

Regional Educational Assessment Crisis Response and Habilitation (REACH) Developmental Disability Crisis Services

Regional Intelligence Sharing Group

Regional Jobs Website

Regional Organized Crime Information Center (ROCIC)

Regional Preparedness Advisory Committee for Interoperability (Richmond Area)

Regional Prevention Managers

Regional Pursuit Committee

Regional Quality Council

Regional Reinvestment Project

Regional Revenue Forum

Regional Round Table

Regional Social Services Fraud Meetings

Regional Support Team

Regional Utilities Committee

Regional Volunteer Training


RESOURCE Workforce Centers

Richmond Area Infection Control Practitioners

Richmond Area Microwave Interoperability System (RAMIS)

Richmond International Airport (RIC)

Richmond Marine Terminal (RMT) Task Force

Richmond Metro Advocacy Coalition

Richmond Metro Burglary Investigators

Richmond Metro EMS Council

Richmond Metro Hostage Negotiation Training

Richmond Metropolitan Medical Response System

Richmond Metropolitan Transportation Authority (RMTA)

Richmond Metropolitan Urban Areas Security Iniative (UASI) Program

Richmond Region Tourism (RRT)

Richmond Regional Planning District Commission (RRPDC)


RVA Well @ Work

Search and Rescue Team

Senior Connections

Shared Training  (Emergency Management)

Shared Training (Fire)

Smart Beginnings Greater Richmond

Sovereign Citizen Workgroup

Special Olympics

Sportable-Richmond Adaptive Sports and Recreation

Striving to Achieve and Retain Self Sufficiency

Technical Rescue

Theater Equipment & Supplies


Transition to Independence and Employment (TIE) Program Partnership Meetings

VA Diabetes Council

Violent Crime Analyst Network

Violent Crime Task Force

Virginia Alliance for Social Work Practitioners (VASWP) Planning District 15

Virginia Association of Telecommunication Officers and Advisors (VATOA)

Virginia Biotechnology Research Park (VA Bio+Tech Park)

Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Autism Center for Excellence

Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) School of Engineering

Virginia Community Capacity Initiative (VCCI)

Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation – DC2RVA

Virginia Energy Procurement Governmental Association (VEPGA)

Virginia Government Finance Officers Association

Virginia League of Social Services Executives

Virginia Municipal Stormwater Association (VAMSA)

Virginia Senior Games

Water and Sewer Agreements

Welfare Reform Regional Transportation Grant

Written Mutual Aid Agreements

Youth Athletic Leagues

Zika Working Group


Henrico donated funds to the following regional service providers:

  • Arts and Cultural Consortium*
  • Capital Region Airport Commission
  • Congregations Around Richmond Involved To Assure Shelter (CARITAS)
  • Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)
  • Children’s Hospital of Richmond
  • Crossover Healthcare Ministry
  • Greater Richmond Convention Center Authority
  • Greater Rhmond Partnership (GRP)
  • Greater Richmond Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN)*
  • Henricus Foundation
  • Homeward
  • J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College
  • James River Advisory Council
  • Leadership Metro Richmond (LMR)
  • Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden
  • Maymont Foundation Nature Center
  • Meals on Wheels of Greater Richmond
  • Med-Flight
  • Metropolitan Richmond Sports Backers
  • The Read Center
  • Resources for Independent Living
  • Richmond Area ARC (Camp Baker)
  • Richmond Forum
  • Richmond Region Tourism
  • Richmond Regional Planning District Commission (RRPDC)
  • Safe Harbor
  • Science Museum of Virginia
  • Senior Connections
  • The Salvation Army Central Virginia
  • YWCA Richmond

Additionally, Henrico provided funds to the following regional organizations:

  • Better Housing Coalition
  • GRTC Transit System
  • The Healing Place
  • Henricopolis Soil and Water Conservation District
  • Hilliard House
  • James River Juvenile Detention Commission (JRJDC)
  • Maggie Walker Governor’s School*
  • MathScience Innovation Center*
  • Offendor Aid and Restoration
  • St. Joseph’s Villa (Flagler Home)
  • The Mill House (Community Futures Foundation)

*The Arts and Cultural Consortium provides funds to many other organizations. Partners in the Arts, Richmond Symphony, Valentine Museum, Virginia Historical Society and The American Civil War Center at Tredegar received funding through Henrico County Public Schools. Note: Items approved for funding in fiscal 2017-18


Henrico has representatives on the following regional, statewide, and national organizations:

  • Capital Region Airport Commission
  • Capital Region Collaborative Organizing Council
  • Capital Region Workforce Partnership Consortium of Chief Local Elected Officials
  • Central Virginia Waste Management Authority Board of Directors
  • Greater Richmond Convention Center Authority Commission
  • Greater Richmond Partnership Board of Directors
  • Henrico Area Mental Health & Developmental Services Board
  • Henricus Foundation Board of Trustees
  • J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College Board
  • James River Juvenile Detention Commission
  • John Tyler Alcohol Safety Action Program Board of Directors
  • Maymont Foundation Board of Directors
  • Richmond Regional Transportation Planning Organization Policy Board
  • Richmond Regional Transportation Planning Organization Citizens Transportation
    Advisory Committee
  • Richmond Metropolitan Transportation Authority Board of Directors
  • Richmond Region Tourism Board of Directors
  • Richmond Regional Planning District Commission
  • Senior Connections Board of Directors
  • Sports Backers Board of Directors
  • National Association of Counties Large Urban County Caucus
  • National Association of Counties Standing and Policy Steering Committees
  • Virginia Association of Counties Board of Directors and Steering Committees
  • Virginia Coalition of Open Government Board of Directors
  • Virginia Recreation and Park Society – Central Service Area Board
  • Virginia Transit Association Board of Directors
  • Virginia Sports Turf Managers Association Board of Directors


Animal Protection Police Services
The Henrico Police Division’s Animal Protection Unit works with the Richmond Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Metro Richmond Pet Savers programs to promote the adoption of companion animals.

Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT)
Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico, Richmond, the Virginia Air National Guard and the Richmond Airport Authority participate in CPAT, an entry-level, candidate-testing tool to assess agility needed to complete critical firefighting tasks effectively and safely.

Capital Region Communications Steering Committee (CRCSC)
Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond have been cooperating for more than 25 years to provide a fully integrated land mobile radio system for local public safety agencies. The CRCSC meets monthly to discuss the radio system, review and develop policy and discuss future enhancements. The region, with Colonial Heights and Richmond International Airport, is now replacing the system with the most modern technology available. The cost of the new system is more than $114 million and expected to be completed in July 2021.

Capital Region Crime Prevention Education
Law enforcement representatives from Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico, Powhatan, Prince George and Richmond, meet quarterly to discuss crime trends and prevention strategies.

Central Virginia All Hazards Incident Management Team (CVAHIMT)
Henrico participates in the CVAHIMT, a regional response resource for managing emergency incidents and special events. The team is made up of members from across the 20 Central Virginia Urban Areas Security Initiative locality participants and is available to provide a trained team to support and assist in the management of natural and manmade disasters, emergencies, planned events or acts of terrorism. The team is also available to provide incident specific positions to the emergency operations centers throughout the region, highlighting integration and interoperability across jurisdictional boundaries.

Central Virginia Emergency Management Alliance (CVEMA)
CVEMA provides a forum for local emergency managers, public safety officials, federal, state, regional, private sector, higher education and nonprofit partners to collaborate, coordinate and enhance emergency preparedness and resilience in central Virginia.

Central Virginia Healthcare Coalition
Regional groups work with hospitals, health care providers, local governments, health departments and public safety agencies to coordinate plans and responses to mass-casualty events.

Central Virginia Large Event Medical Response System
The system provides emergency medical services (EMS)to people attending large sporting or cultural events, such as NASCAR racing at Richmond Raceway and participation in the Martin’s Tour of Richmond. Participants include paid and volunteer EMS personnel throughout Virginia.

Central Virginia Public Safety Media Council
Public information officers from law enforcement, fire and related public agencies in the area meet quarterly to discuss public safety-related media issues of mutual concern.

Chamber RVA, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and Asian Chamber of Commerce
Henrico police is involved with other law enforcement entities in the greater Richmond area in crime reduction and prevention efforts.

Chesterfield Jail Inmate Sharing
The Henrico Sheriff’s Office signed a memorandum of understanding with the Chesterfield Sheriff’s Office allowing 50 female inmates from Henrico to be housed in the Chesterfield jail.

Citizen Corps Programming
Henrico coordinates various Citizen Corps courses and opportunities with other central Virginia localities, including Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover and Richmond, to help ensure residents are better prepared for emergencies and to insure localities efficiently and effectively maximize volunteer resources during emergencies.

Community Support Services
Area law enforcement agencies participate in many community relations and crime prevention programs, such as National Night Out Against Crime, the Metro Coalition Against Drugs, Neighborhood Watch, Police Apartment Managers Coalition, Seniors and Law Enforcement Together and the Henrico Police Faith Coalition.

Computerized Warrant Information Sharing
Henrico and Richmond police share computerized warrant files to enhance regional law enforcement efforts.

Cooperative Housing of Inmates/Juvenile Offenders
The Henrico Juvenile Detention Home provides bed space to Chesterfield, Richmond and to jurisdictions outside of central Virginia. Chesterfield provides the same service to Henrico, when necessary.

Cooperative Jailing of Offenders
Goochland, Henrico and New Kent have an agreement for the cooperative jailing of offenders in the Henrico Regional Jail.

Crisis Intervention Team Training
Crisis intervention training for first responders has been offered by Henrico to surrounding jurisdictions and university police departments.

Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
DMV representatives help inmates obtain an official Virginia identification to help them as they are released and return to employment.

Drug Enforcement Administration Task Force
The Chesterfield, Henrico, Petersburg and Richmond police departments, the Hanover Sheriff’s Office, the Virginia Department of State Police and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration share resources to prevent drug trafficking in the area.

Emergency Management Policy and Grants
Henrico shares emergency planning and grant writing information across the region, specifically with Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, New Kent and Richmond, to ensure plans are cohesive and consistent with other localities.

EMS Training
Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico, Hopewell, Petersburg and Richmond cooperate in joint training of new firefighters and emergency service personnel. Regional emergency medical expositions, continuing education courses and partnerships with medical facilities in the region produce economical and efficient training for the region’s first responders.

Enhanced 911
Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond collaborate on issues that arise with the rapidly evolving technologies and practices of 911. The Henrico Emergency Communications Center and the Richmond Department of Emergency Communications have entered into agreement to support each other during periods of equipment service or failure to ensure uninterrupted service to the public.

Explosive Ordnance Device (EOD) Regional Team
Henrico and Richmond police departments jointly train and use their EOD technicians and equipment during calls for service. Together, this joint EOD team is comparable to FBI regional EOD teams.

Fugitive Task Force
The Chesterfield, Henrico and Richmond police departments, the U.S. Marshals Service and the FBI cooperate in apprehending felons with charges pending in respective jurisdictions.

Gang Task Force
The regional jurisdictions, primarily Chesterfield, Henrico and Richmond, share gang-related incidents and data.

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
This program, coordinated through the Richmond Regional Planning District Commission, works with state and local emergency management officials in Planning District 15, which consists of Charles City, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, Powhatan and Richmond, to identify and mitigate hazards related to natural occurrences.

Hazardous Material Response
Henrico’s Hazardous Incident Team is part of the Virginia Department of Emergency Management’s Regional Hazardous Materials Program. The team assists other localities with hazardous material releases that require more resources than a single jurisdiction may have available. The Henrico team supports 24 localities and 11,000 square miles in central Virginia. The team regularly trains with other local hazmat teams and National Guard resources.

Help Eliminate Auto Theft (HEAT) Project
Jurisdictions throughout the area combine their efforts to combat stolen vehicles through the HEAT program which is administered by Virginia State Police.

Henrico Community Criminal Justice Board
With financial support from the private sector, the Henrico Community Criminal Justice Board in cooperation with Henrico Community Partners, Inc. developed award-winning prevention videos on shoplifting, substance abuse, teen dating violence and speeding. The videos were distributed to middle and high schools in Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond and are also available for school and individual purchase through the Youth Intervention Programs Association.

Henrico County Local Emergency Planning Commission
The commission shares information about hazardous materials preparedness and response as well as other preparedness issues.

Henrico Sheriff’s Office and the Department of Corrections Prerelease Program
Henrico and the Virginia Department of Corrections have established a prerelease program that allows inmates from Goochland, Henrico, or New Kent to be released from the jail in the community where they plan to live. Inmates must attend the first two phases of the Recovery in a Secure Environment program. Once that program is completed, inmates approved for work release are transferred to the alternative sentencing program and allowed to participate in work release.

Henrico Sheriff’s Office and Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program (VASAP)
The Henrico Sheriff’s Office works with VASAP to provide the required training individuals need to obtain their driver’s license after it has been suspended.

Henrico Sheriff’s Office Partnership with the Denver Colorado Sheriff’s Office
The Henrico Sheriff’s Office assisted the Denver Sheriff’s Office in the establishment of the Recovery in a Secure Environment program in the Denver city jail. The Henrico Sheriff’s Office shares information with Denver to enhance both programs.

Inmate Labor Sharing
The Henrico Sheriff’s Office provides inmate labor to New Kent for trash and debris removal along highways. New Kent covers the cost of a Henrico deputy sheriff to supervise the work crew.

Interdiction Task Force
The Henrico and Richmond police departments and Virginia State Police work together by pooling and dedicating resources to interdict, or cut off, illegal drugs at Richmond International Airport, the Greyhound bus and AMTRAK train stations, hotels and motels and parcel-packaging providers.

Internal Affairs
Members of the Internal Affairs Unit meet quarterly with their counterparts from other law enforcement agencies in the region to discuss and collaborate on issues of mutual concern.

Internet Crimes Against Children
In agreement with the Bedford Sheriff’s Office and the FBI, a criminal investigations section detective is assigned to the Southern Virginia Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.

Internship Program with Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Virginia Union University (VUU) and the Henrico Sheriff’s Office
The Sheriff’s Office has established an intern program with VCU and VUU. Students attend the Henrico Sheriff’s Office Academy during the summer and receive college credits. After completing the academy, students are sworn in as deputies and are able to work part time in the jail, filling shifts that otherwise would require overtime payments.

James River Juvenile Detention Commission
This commission, with representatives from Goochland, Henrico and Powhatan, operates a60-bed regional juvenile detention facility in Powhatan. The five-member commission, formed in 1996, is comprised of three county administrators, one from each county, one Henrico deputy county administrator and one commonwealth’s attorney. The commission established the James River Juvenile Detention Center to accommodate the growing juvenile detention population associated with increases in overall population and the number of arrests for serious and violent juvenile offenses. The facility’s mission is to enhance community safety by maintaining a secure detention facility, furnishing quality care for resident youths and providing residents with rehabilitative services that assist in their social development.

Joint Border Patrols
Henrico patrol officers frequently conduct joint patrols with Richmond police officers in areas of the county that adjoin the city. These patrols contribute to better communication about crime trends and demonstrate to the public that the agencies are working together for the mutual benefit of the community.

Joint Investigations
Area jurisdictions work together on undercover police operations to combat crimes involving narcotics, homicides and other street crimes. This is especially helpful when the crimes cross jurisdictional boundaries.

Joint Tactical Operations Training
Police from Henrico, Richmond and Richmond International Airport, troopers from the Virginia Capitol Police and Virginia State Police and agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the FBI and Secret Service train and respond together on tactical, hostage, K9, explosive ordnance disposal and SWAT situations. These entities also respond together to dignitary visits to the region, holiday patrols, school shootings, felony arrest incidents and other circumstances that cross jurisdictional boundaries.

Joint Terrorism Task Force
The Henrico Police Division has an officer permanently assigned to the FBI’s Richmond Regional Joint Terrorism Task Force.

Joint Uniform Task Force Operations (License, Equipment, Sobriety and Speed)
Police officers from Chesterfield, Henrico, Richmond and the University of Richmond, deputies from Goochland, Hanover and New Kent, and troopers from Virginia State Police engage in joint operator licensing, vehicle equipment, DUI and/or speed checks.

Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreements
The Henrico Police Division has entered into agreement with law enforcement agencies in Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, New Kent and Richmond to provide law enforcement assistance during emergencies.

Marine Patrol
Chesterfield, Henrico and Richmond police departments work together on water safety and rescue in the James River. The Henrico Police Division’s Marine Patrol cooperates with the U.S. Coast Guard and the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources.

Jurisdictions within a 60-mile radius of Henrico contribute personnel to this air ambulance service owned by the Virginia State Police.

Mental Health Emergency Services
Emergency Services program directors from Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond meet quarterly to resolve interjurisdictional matters, such as temporary detention orders and other crisis issues. The regional community services boards have developed a regional disaster-response agreement that assures coordination and mutual aid. The community services boards also have cooperative agreements to represent each other at commitment hearings.

Metro Aviation Unit
Aerial police flight crews provide undercover and patrol surveillance for Chesterfield, Henrico and Richmond.

Metro Fire Chiefs Association
Representatives from Chesterfield, Colonial Heights, Hanover, Henrico, Petersburg, Richmond, the National Guard and Defense Supply Center Richmond meet regularly to discuss and resolve fire and emergency medical services issues.

Metro Richmond Crime Stoppers
Law enforcement agencies from Caroline, Charles City, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent and Richmond participate in the Crime Stoppers program, which encourages the public to share information about crimes and can be eligible for a reward.

Metro Richmond Emergency Planning Group
Regional emergency managers meet to plan and coordinate emergency preparedness for hurricanes, floods, terrorist attacks and the operation of emergency operation centers. Chesterfield, Dinwiddie, Hanover, Henrico, Hopewell, Petersburg, Prince George and Richmond participate with the Virginia Department of Transportation, Virginia State Police, Virginia Department of Emergency Management, area hospitals, the FBI and Environmental Protection Agency.

Metro Richmond Fire Investigation Team
The team provides a structured framework and resources to investigate large or suspicious fires. Chesterfield, Colonial Heights, Hanover, Henrico, Petersburg, Prince George, Richmond, Virginia State Police, Virginia Department of Fire Programs and the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives share equipment and personnel.

Metro Richmond Identity Theft Task Force
A cooperative effort between federal, state and local law enforcement agencies in the area to combat the growing problem of financial fraud and identity theft crimes.

Metro Richmond Regional Crime Analysis Committee
Ashland, Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, New Kent, Powhatan and Richmond police departments work together to identify crime patterns, trends and suspects.

Metro Street Crimes Unit
Chesterfield, Henrico and Richmond police departments and Hanover Sheriff’s Office meet monthly to share information on robberies and other street crimes in the area.

Multijurisdictional Grand Jury
Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond police departments work together to conduct multijurisdictional investigations and form a special grand jury to evaluate major drug trafficking cases in the area.

Operation Innkeeper
The Henrico Police Division, the FBI, the Richmond Merchants Association and surrounding law enforcement agencies visit every hotel and motel in Henrico to address vice, human trafficking, narcotics and other criminal offenses.

Operation Pipeline
This effort between police in Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond is aimed at reducing illegal activities, such as drug trafficking and prostitution.

Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force
This regional drug enforcement task force is supported by the FBI with the assignment of two Organized Crime Section detectives.

Precious Metals, Thefts and Control Group
Area jurisdictions have adopted parallel ordinances and conduct joint investigations in cooperation with commonwealth’s attorneys’ offices from participating localities.

Proactive Approach to Community Opioid Crisis
The Henrico Sheriff’s Office staff and inmates support community activities in New Kent aimed at highlighting the opioid problem. New Kent Middle School students tour Henrico’s jails.

Region 1 Emergency Management Planning Group
Coordinated through the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, Henrico participates in planning relative to central Virginia to help coordinate emergency preparedness for hurricanes, floods, terrorist attacks and the operations of local emergency operations centers. This includes localities throughout central Virginia extending from Amelia to King and Queen and Hanover to Emporia.

Regional Intelligence Sharing Group
Members of the Henrico Police Division’s Crime Analysis and Strategic Evaluation Unit meet monthly with surrounding law enforcement agencies to discuss crime trends.

Regional Organized Crime Information Center (ROCIC)
ROCIC is an organization comprised of law enforcement agencies throughout the southeastern and southwestern United States. Sharing of crime data is central to the ROCIC efforts, especially with multijurisdictional criminal activities.

Regional Preparedness Advisory Committee for Interoperability (Richmond Area)
The Commonwealth of Virginia Interoperability Coordinator’s Office established interoperability subcommittees of the Regional Preparedness Advisory Committees for Interoperability, referred to as RPAC-Is. A representative from Henrico attends the RPAC-I meetings.

Regional Pursuit Committee
Law enforcement representatives from Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond and Virginia State Police exchange ideas and develop policies on vehicular pursuits.

Richmond Area Microwave Interoperability System (RAMIS)
RAMIS is a high-speed network that connects the member jurisdictions of the Richmond Regional Planning District. It provides a live video stream from the Metro Aviation Unit aircraft. Video teleconferences, data collaborations and VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) telephone connections between emergency operation centers reduce costs by eliminating some leased lines and improve reliability over the remaining leased lines.

Richmond Metro Burglary Investigators
Investigators from various localities discuss burglary and robbery cases and suspects.

Richmond Metro EMS Council
This regional association of emergency medical services agencies discuss regional issues, patient care protocols and grant funding. This includes Planning District 15, specifically Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond.

Richmond Metro Hostage Negotiation Training
The Hanover, Henrico and Richmond police departments meet to discuss common trends and to arrange for cooperative training programs in dealing with hostage situations.

Richmond Metropolitan Medical Response System
Henrico participates in this regional planning group to coordinate efforts of prehospital providers, hospitals and public health department personnel to coordinate plans and responses to mass-casualty events from natural causes or from acts of terrorism. This includes coordinating planning by Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent and Richmond, and the Virginia Department of Health as well as incorporating planning by 17 hospitals in central Virginia.

Richmond Metropolitan Urban Areas Security Iniative (UASI) Program
Henrico, with Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover and Richmond, organized a work group and subcommittee to develop a program to improve the regional response to emergency situations using a U.S. Department of Homeland Security grant.

Search and Rescue Team
The Henrico Search and Rescue Team provides water rescue, marine patrol and ground search services throughout the region. The team regularly responds with Chesterfield and Richmond teams. The Henrico team responds and trains with the United States Coast Guard’s Hampton sector.

Shared Training (Emergency Management)
Henrico participates in regional emergency management training. This includes numerous multiagency and multijurisdictional tabletop exercises and full-scale operational drills intended to improve emergency response and recovery capabilities across the region.

Shared Training (Fire)
Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico, Richmond, Richmond International Airport, and the National Guard’s Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and High Yield Explosive Enhanced Response Force Package share training facilities and resources. Area fire training officers hold quarterly meetings.

Sovereign Citizen Workgroup
Representatives of area law enforcement agencies meet to discuss the emerging problem of sovereign citizens.

Technical Rescue
One of seven divisions in Virginia, the Division 1 Team, which includes Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond, provides specialized emergency response services, including trench, confined space, vehicle, rope, farm machinery and structural collapse rescues.

Violent Crime Analyst Network
Law enforcement agencies in the area provide training and share information with crime and intelligence analysts throughout Virginia.

Violent Crime Task Force
Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond police departments, Virginia State Police, the FBI, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives work together to apprehend violent career criminals.

Written Mutual Aid Agreements
Charles City, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico and New Kent, Richmond International Airport and the Virginia Department of Emergency Management Hazardous Incident Team are on call to provide backup service and assistance to neighboring jurisdictions. Services include fire protection, hazardous materials incidents, ground search and rescue, heavy technical rescue and emergency medical services. Henrico also participates in a statewide mutual aid agreement through the Virginia Department of Emergency Management.


Bus Rapid Transit
Henrico and Richmond have partnered with the GRTC Transit System, the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation, the Virginia Department of Transportation and the U.S. Department of Transportation to plan and implement a bus rapid transit system along the Broad and Main streets corridors. The Pulse system will be the area’s first high-capacity rapid transit system and will provide a modern transportation system with reduced travel times, expanded service and greater reliability of transit operations from Rocketts Landing to Willow Lawn.

Capital Region Workforce Partnership (Chief Elected Official and alternate from each member jurisdiction)
The Partnership of local elected officials is a regional body that focuses on workforce development in Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, Powhatan and Richmond. The Partnership was created by and is funded under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and appoints the members of the business-led Workforce Development Board. The board also includes representation from economic development, education, labor and community organizations and state agencies. Collectively, the Consortium and Board share oversight responsibility for delivering services developing policies, ensuring performance outcomes are met and supporting business and economic development needs.

Enterprise Zone Program
Henrico and Richmond share an Enterprise Zone. Enterprise Zones provide state and local grants and incentives to encourage business improvements and investment. Any amendments to the zone require both jurisdictions to approve the change.

Greater Richmond Convention Center
The center is a cooperative effort between Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond. The center is owned by the Greater Richmond Convention Center Authority, which is composed of the jurisdictions and the Retail Merchants Association of Greater Richmond. The 700,000-square-foot facility in downtown Richmond includes exhibit space, meeting rooms and a grand ballroom. Henrico is the largest contributing jurisdiction to the center through its collection of lodging taxes that are used to pay off the $148.7 million in revenue bonds issued to build the facility.

Greater Richmond Partnership, Inc. (GRP)
In cooperation with the Greater Richmond Chamber of Commerce and private businesses, Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond created GRP. As a regional economic development organization, GRP markets the greater Richmond region as a preferred business location. GRP, in operation since 1978, works with local economic development organizations on business retention, workforce development and small business formation. A member of the Henrico County Board of Supervisors serves on the GRP Board of Directors and the county manager serves as an alternate board member.

GRTC Transit System
GRTC Transit System, the public transportation provider for the area, is jointly owned by Chesterfield and Richmond. Representatives from those jurisdictions serve on the Board of Directors. Henrico has contractual arrangements with GRTC to support public transportation in the area.

James River Certified Development Corporation (JRCDC)
JRCDC is a private, nonprofit corporation organized under the U.S. Small Business Administration 504 Loan Program. JRCDC serves existing and prospective small businesses in Charles City, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, Powhatan and Richmond. In participation with private lenders, the 504 Loan Program provides long-term, fixed-asset financing to small businesses. This financing stimulates economic growth and expansion by retaining or creating jobs, increasing local tax bases and expanding business ownership opportunities within the designated service areas.

Regional Building Official Meetings
Staffs from multiple localities meet bimonthly at the Region 6 Virginia Building and Code Officials Association meeting for education, discussion of mutual code enforcement issues and statewide code enforcement issues.

RESOURCE Workforce Centers
RESOURCE Workforce Centers offer workforce services to employers and job seekers. Centers in eastern Henrico, downtown Richmond and northern Chesterfield offer the following resources and services: computers, fax and phone service, job search and resume assistance and targeted forms of employment and training assistance to those enrolled in programs. Also available are services of other publicly-funded agencies, including adult education, community colleges, the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services, Senior Connections and the Virginia Employment Commission.

Richmond International Airport (RIC)
Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond make up the Capital Region Airport Commission, which operates RIC.

Richmond Marine Terminal (RMT) Task Force
The RMT Task Force includes representatives of the business community, local governments of Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond, the Richmond Regional Transportation Planning Organization, the Richmond Regional Planning District Commission, the Virginia Port Authority and the Richmond Marine Terminal. The RMT Task Force works to maximize economic development opportunities in the region for port-related activities and to implement a strategic leadership group to influence support for the RMT’s 20-year vision for success.

Richmond Metropolitan Transportation Authority (RMTA)
Representatives from Chesterfield, Henrico and Richmond serve as the board of directors for RMTA, which operates transportation facilities including the Powhite Parkway, Downtown Expressway and Boulevard Bridge.

Richmond Region Tourism (RRT)
RRT is a cooperative effort between Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent and Richmond, ChamberRVA and the Retail Merchants Association of Greater Richmond to promote tourism and travel in the metro Richmond area. Henrico contributes a portion of the lodging taxes collected from Henrico-based hotels to fund the RRT. Henrico’s tourism staff works cooperatively with RRT to ensure promotion of Henrico as a premier destination for sports, heritage and leisure travel. Tourism staff serves as Henrico’s liaison and non-voting member of the RRT Board of Directors.

Richmond Regional Planning District Commission (RRPDC)
The RRPDC is a regional planning agency with emphasis in the areas of transportation, local technical assistance and information services, including demographic, economic and geographic information systems. The commission is comprised of elected officials and residents from Ashland, Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, Powhatan and Richmond who address mutual problems and develop solutions to benefit intergovernmental cooperation.

A division of GRTC Transit System, Ridefinders provides carpool, vanpool and rideshare facilitator services to the public and private sectors in Chesterfield, Henrico and Richmond.

Virginia Biotechnology Research Park (VA Bio+Tech Park)
Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico, Richmond and Virginia Commonwealth University provided startup funding and legislative support for the establishment and operation of this economic development effort. The VA Bio+Tech Park has evolved into a dynamic scientific community in central Virginia providing significant employment opportunities in Richmond. The Henrico county manager serves on the Virginia Biotechnology Research Board.

Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation – DC2RVA
Ashland, Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico, Richmond and the Richmond Area Metropolitan Planning Organization are part of a group working with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation to improve intercity passenger rail service in the north-south corridor between Washington and Richmond. The project aims to increase capacity to deliver higher-speed passenger rail and accommodate growth of freight rail service in an efficient and reliable multimodal rail corridor. The proposed improvements include the construction of additional tracks and track crossovers, improvements to passenger rail stations and station areas, and roadway crossing safety improvements.


Audit Directors Regional Group
Audit directors from Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond meet to discuss productivity improvements, innovations and emerging audit issues in government; to promote joint continuing education, networking, and benchmarking among their teams; and to participate in hiring interview panels, if requested.

Capital Region Collaborative (CRC)
The county manager and staff serve on the Organizing Team of CRC. CRC was launched in 2007 by members of ChamberRVA and the Richmond Regional Planning District Commission to enhance the partnership between government and business leaders to improve the quality of life in the region.  The Organizing Team meets monthly to share expertise and knowledge to staff and volunteers on action teams. Currently, the Organizing Team is working on eight priorities for the region: education, job creation, workforce cooperation, social stability, healthy community, coordinated transportation, the James River and quality of place. The partnership has also created better coordination among nonprofits and funding for regional efforts. In 2016, CRC established an indicators report, RVA Snapshot, to benchmark continued efforts and to publish the shared vision for the community.

Capital Region Workforce Partners Management Team
Capital Workforce Partners collaborates with state agencies, local educational institutions, business and community organizations and contractors to implement a fully integrated delivery system to meet the needs of the region’s individuals and businesses.

Capital Regional Caucus
Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico, Richmond and other jurisdictions meet periodically throughout the year and weekly during the General Assembly session to discuss bills and resolutions important to the region and to coordinate efforts to move the region’s legislative priorities forward.

Chief Elected Official (CEO) and Chief Administrative Official (CAO) Meetings
The chief elected official and the chief administrative official for Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond meet monthly. The localities take turns hosting the meeting and preparing the agenda of topics that the region needs to address.

Community Corrections Regional Purchasing
Chesterfield, Henrico and Richmond ‘s Community Corrections programs cooperatively purchase and share residential space and programs for clients.

Community Development Deputies’ Meeting
The deputy county administrators for community development and operations in the region meet quarterly to collaborate and discuss matters of mutual interest. Discussions include zoning and development practices, plan-review procedures, proffered conditions legislation, regional public utility needs, road improvement plans, community revitalization efforts and other regional development related issues. These efforts have led to an improved coordination of growth, physical development and delivery of services.

Cooperative Purchasing
Since January 2017, the purchasing directors from Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond have met quarterly to discuss joint procurement, mutual access to each locality’s contracts, hosting of a regional supplier outreach event and other regional cooperation opportunities. Henrico participates in the following purchasing alliances: U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance, National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance, National Joint Powers Alliance and Virginia Association of State College and University Purchasing Professionals. Henrico also participates in regional, state, and national procurement associations, including Capital Area Purchasing Association, Virginia Association of Governmental Purchasing and National Institute of Governmental Purchasing.

Finance, Taxation and Budget
Regional initiatives, such as the Greater Richmond Convention Center Authority, James River Juvenile Detention Center (JRJDC) and CodeRVA Regional High School, are enhanced by regional partners who serve as the primary fiscal agent for the organization. Henrico serves as fiscal agent for both JRJDC and CodeRVA. In addition, finance, treasury, taxation, revenue and budget officers and staff in Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond maintain close contact to discuss issues of mutual concern, develop uniform procedures and to compare economic trends.

General Registrar Voter Transfers
Registrars in Chesterfield, Henrico and Richmond accommodate each other’s needs when registered voters move from one locality to another. These officers also share ideas and information about office procedures, legal issues and related concerns.

Human Resources Administration Information Sharing
Human resources directors from Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond meet regularly to discuss issues, policies and practices that affect the region and their respective local governments. They share information on benefits, salaries and policies.

Human Resources Directors Joint Recruitment Efforts
The directors of human resources from the local jurisdictions worked together to recruit and fill two high-level regional positions: the executive director of the Greater Richmond Partnership and the executive director of the Richmond Regional Planning District Commission.

Intergovernmental Personnel Advisory Committee
Human resource’s management staff participates in the regional Intergovernmental Personnel Advisory Committee, an association of human resources personnel who meet regularly to discuss compensation, benefits and other human resources related topics.

Joint Management Development Training
Chesterfield and Henrico share resources to bring quality speakers to employee training programs.

Joint Regional Audit Efforts
Multijurisdictional teams provide audit services for special regional projects or groups.

Leadership Metro Richmond (LMR)
LMR is a community leadership development program affiliated with the National Association for Community Leadership. LMR’s purpose is to educate leaders about the complexity of key issues in the metropolitan area, engage a diverse group of community leaders in problem solving, team building and interpersonal communication and encourage individual involvement in shaping policy, exerting influence and providing vision for the future of the community. Representatives of Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond serve in the LMR program, on its board of directors and as advisors to its classes.

Personal Property Information
Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond officials share personal property information, such as the location of personal property, business license information and payment of taxes.

Real Estate Assessment Information
Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond officials share real property information such as residential and commercial sales activity and meet periodically to discuss market trends.

Regional Jobs Website
Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond, jointly offer a website showing all job vacancies posted in their respective localities. This website,, is updated weekly.

Regional Revenue Forum
The Regional Revenue Forum is an annual event that brings experts in the fields of real estate, homebuilding, retail sales, car sales and economics, to finance officials from the region to discuss local economy and revenue issues. Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Hopewell, Petersburg, Powhatan and Richmond officials participate.

Regional Social Services Fraud Meetings
Social Services fraud investigators and supervisors meet quarterly to train and share information among local agencies.

Virginia Government Finance Officers Association
The association promotes the improvement of methods of governmental finance and extends the educational and professional activities of members as developed and recommended by the Government Finance Officers’ Association of the United States and Canada, the National Committee on Governmental Accounting and other authorities in the field of municipal administration.

Virginia Association of Telecommunication Officers and Advisors (VATOA)
VATOA’s membership consists of cities and counties throughout the state with a common interest in cable television, telecommunications and broadband access for residents. The organization shares information to assist with the consistent administration of cable franchise agreements, the development and operation of broadband communications, cable television, and telecommunications networks for localities.

Virginia Energy Procurement Governmental Association (VEPGA)
Henrico, along with about 200 counties, cities, towns, boards and authorities across the state, have created VEPGA. This association negotiates and contracts for the acquisition of electric energy on behalf of its members. Virginia is the only state in which political subdivisions are not subject to the jurisdiction of the state regulatory agency for the acquisition of electric energy. Therefore, VEPGA negotiates with Dominion Energy for the acquisition of electricity. This model has resulted in significant savings to Virginia jurisdictions.


Capital Region Land Conservancy
Staff members worked with the Conservancy on the purchase and preservation of the Malvern Hill property in Varina. The conservancy serves with Charles City, Chesterfield, Henrico, Hanover, Goochland, New Kent, Powhatan and Richmond.

Central Virginia Waste Management Authority (CVWMA)
The CVWMA provides solid waste management services for Ashland, Charles City, Chesterfield, Colonial Heights, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Hopewell, New Kent, Petersburg, Powhatan, Prince George and Richmond.

Cobbs Creek Reservoir Water Supply Project
Henrico has begun construction of a water supply reservoir and dam in Cumberland County. The reservoir will allow for increased withdrawals from the James River necessary for the water supply
needs of Henrico and its regional partners on this project. During periods of low flow in the James, the reservoir will release water to enhance the aquatic environment. The facility is expected to be operational in 2022.

Commodity Agriculture Training and Research
Extension agents provide professional seminars and conduct field research for commodity agriculture and green industry. Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, Powhatan and Richmond participate.

Henrico Regional Water Reclamation Facility
The Henrico Regional Water Reclamation Facility began operations in 1989 and treats sewage from most of Henrico and parts of Goochland and Hanover. This facility is an element of the Water Quality Management Plan for the Richmond metropolitan area, adopted by the State Water Control Board on Aug. 26, 1974. Under a wastewater agreement, Henrico and Richmond treat each other’s wastewater along their boundary lines when gravity sewage flow causes the wastewater to enter the treating jurisdiction.

Henrico Water Treatment Facility
The Henrico Water Treatment Facility began operations in 2004 and provides drinking water to most of Henrico and parts of Goochland and Hanover.

James River Advisory Council
Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond representatives serve on the regional council to promote and protect the James River. The council organizes James River Days, James River Week, James River Parade of Lights and James River Regional Cleanup.

James River Outdoor Coalition
The coalition receives input from park users to understand issues and to identify possible system improvements. It also coordinates projects and education programs for the James River Park System.

Master Gardener Program
Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, Powhatan and Richmond extension officers train volunteers to work with residents to promote sustainable horticulture practices through landscape management education and training.

Maymont Foundation
The Foundation provides educational, recreational and cultural opportunities for the community through the restoration and development of Maymont Park, including museums, animal exhibits, gardens and other resources. Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond participate.

Metropolitan Richmond Air Quality Committee
Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond establish methods for reaching attainment for air quality levels.

Natural Gas
Richmond supplies natural gas to residents in northern Chesterfield, Henrico and Richmond. A gas agreement between Henrico and Richmond governs the gas service in Henrico.

Pesticide Application Training
Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, Powhatan and Richmond extension agents cooperatively conduct required annual training for all pesticide applicators.

Plant Health Diagnostics
Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, Powhatan and Richmond extension agents cooperatively maintain plant health clinics to identify insects, plant diseases and weeds to reduce pesticide use.

Regional Utilities Committee
Composed of the public utilities directors for Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Powhatan and Richmond and the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority, this committee discusses matters of mutual concern or benefit and provides mutual support during emergencies.

Virginia Municipal Stormwater Association (VAMSA)
VAMSA brings together more than 50 local governments and stormwater consulting firms to work for clean water and safe infrastructure in Virginia. The association supports clean water, safe and vibrant communities, and a strong state economy by seeking to align goals for clean water, best practices in stormwater management, and the resources available for programs, practices and infrastructure.

Water and Sewer Agreements
Henrico and Richmond signed a water agreement valid through 2040. Richmond agreed to support the construction of a new treatment plant in Henrico to help meet the region’s future water needs. Henrico’s water treatment plant was placed into service in 2004; Henrico will continue to purchase treated water from Richmond at a reduced volume through July 1, 2040.


All Henrico Reads
Henrico County Public Library, Henrico County Public Schools and Friends of the Henrico County Public Library cosponsor this literary event each year in the spring, bringing a nationally recognized, award-winning author to meet with students during the day and the entire community in the evening to share insights and to speak about the book. Chesterfield County Public Schools and Chesterfield and Richmond public libraries promote the event which draws a regional audience.

Capital Area Library Directors Meetings
Library directors from Chesterfield, Henrico, Petersburg, Powhatan, and Richmond and the Appomattox Regional and Pamunkey Regional systems collaborate on the implementation of library services, programs and policies.

Citie of Henricus
Henrico played a major role in the funding of the Citie of Henricus, including building and constructing of the park and access roads. In addition to Henrico’s continuing support, Chesterfield, the Henricus Foundation and other contributors provide assistance to support the park’s operation.

CodeRVA Regional High School
Opened in September 2017, CodeRVA Regional High School is a public high school serving students from Chesterfield, Colonial Heights, Cumberland, Dinwiddie, Hanover, Henrico, Hopewell, New Kent, Petersburg, Powhatan, Prince George, Richmond and Sussex. Focused on computer science, the school offers the opportunity to complete high school requirements through a combination of online and face-to-face learning, integrated coursework and project-based learning. CodeRVA Regional High School provides students an opportunity to graduate with a Virginia high school diploma, an associate’s degree from J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College, industry certifications and paid internships in computer science fields.

Community College Workforce Alliance (CCWA)
CCWA is the workforce development partnership between John Tyler Community College and Reynolds Community College serving the economic development and workforce needs in four cities and 12 counties of central Virginia. The organization provides non-credit training, custom-designed instruction, consulting, skills assessments and educational programs.

Explorer Post 608 (Police)
The Henrico Police Explorer Post cooperates with neighboring Explorer Posts to receive law-enforcement related training and to apply that training in regional competition events.

Explorer Post (Fire)
The Post works regionally to provide youth and young adults between the ages of 14 and 21 opportunities to improve life skills and leadership while gaining insight into fire service careers. The group works with others in the region in training and leadership opportunities.

Friendship Café with Senior Connections, The Capital Area Agency on Aging
Senior Connections’ Friendship Cafés are neighborhood gathering places for seniors where a nutritious midday meal is served. Senior adults enjoy meeting up with friends and participating in diverse activities to remain active and connected to the community. The Friendship Café is held at Deep Run Recreation Center.

Interlibrary Loan
Henrico County Public Library loans to and receives materials from libraries throughout the region and state.

J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College
College programs are supported in part by Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Louisa, Powhatan and Richmond.

James River Parade of Lights
The Chesterfield, Henrico and Richmond recreation and parks agencies, the James River Advisory Council and local marinas work with the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources to hold an annual holiday lighted boat parade and activities at various landings along the river.

Junior Achievement of Central Virginia (JACV)
Henrico and JACV have a multi-year agreement to operate the JA Finance Park on the third floor of Libbie Mill Library. The JA Finance Park program is a 13-week classroom program that teaches students about financial literacy. The program culminates with a field trip to the JA Finance Park, where students apply the classroom learning by managing a budget based on hypothetical scenarios. JACV works with the public-school systems in Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent and Richmond to offer the program to all 10th graders. Additionally, JACV works with other public and private schools throughout central Virginia. Henrico’s partnership with JACV will allow the program to grow and serve more students in the region.

Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School
Henrico participates in a regionally supported school for talented and gifted high school students from Charles City, Chesterfield, Colonial Heights, Dinwiddie, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Hopewell, King and Queen, King William, Petersburg, Powhatan, Richmond and West Point. Oversight for the Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School is provided by a superintendent and board member from the participating localities.

MathScience Innovation Center
This joint educational learning center between the Chesterfield, Colonial Heights, Dinwiddie, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Hopewell, King William, Petersburg, Powhatan, Prince George and Richmond school divisions has provided leadership, support and exemplary programs in mathematics, science and technology for students and teachers grades K-12. The center serves more than 123,000 students through weekday programs, teaches more than 4,000 students through Saturday and summer programs and provides 1,800 educators with professional development opportunities.

Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium (MERC)
MERC is a partnership of Virginia Commonwealth University and Chesterfield, Colonial Heights, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Hopewell, Powhatan and Richmond school divisions. MERC’s members develop research ideas related to education and select projects of the most interest to the region. Findings are disseminated to facilitate local decision-making and program development.

Metropolitan Educational Training Alliance
This partnership between Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and the Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond public school systems supports professional growth and development opportunities for teachers. Major initiatives include National Board Certification of teachers, teacher leader development and the VCU Clinical Faculty Program.

Metropolitan Richmond Sports Backers
Chesterfield, Henrico, and Richmond are members of Metropolitan Richmond Sports Backers, which promotes sporting events and related activities in the area.

Reciprocal Library Borrowing Policy
Chesterfield, Henrico, Richmond and Pamunkey Regional libraries have a reciprocal borrowing agreement that allows residents to use library facilities in each jurisdiction without charge.

Region 1 Autism Education Consortium
The Region 1 Autism Education Consortium for schools in Charles City, Chesterfield, Colonial Heights, Dinwiddie, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Hopewell, New Kent, Petersburg, Powhatan, Prince George, Richmond, Surry and Sussex supports improved programming for students with autism. Virginia Commonwealth University partners with Region 1 schools to provide information on research in the field of autism. The group provides staff development opportunities and shares resources among the member school divisions.

Regional 4-H Youth Education
4-H agents provide research-based, hands-on educational programming to youth focusing on the areas of leadership, citizenship, and life skill development through in-school programs, after- school programs, community clubs and camping.

Regional Behavioral Skills Training
Family and consumer sciences agents provide training for professional and support staffs of government and nonprofit agencies in financial management, nutrition, wellness and child development topics.

Regional Volunteer Training
Extension agents cooperatively provide training for volunteers who assist with planning, implementing and evaluating Extension programs. Examples include 4-H Youth Development volunteers, who provide supervision and educational activities at residential camps and conferences, judge contests and conduct programs, and Master Financial Education and Master Food Volunteers, who support family financial and nutrition education programs.

Smart Beginnings Greater Richmond
Comprised of local government and public school officials, higher education leaders, business leaders, service providers and community organizations, the council leads Smart Beginnings in mobilizing the community to affect change in and support of early childhood development and school readiness efforts.

Special Olympics
Recreation and parks agencies from Amelia, Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, Powhatan, Richmond and West Point participate in Special Olympics activities for those with developmental disabilities. Area law enforcement agencies take part in the Torch Run for the Special Olympics.

Sportable-Richmond Adaptive Sports and Recreation
Sportable provides recreation and sports opportunities for individuals with physical disabilities in the Richmond area. Chesterfield and Henrico recreation and parks agencies are partners in this program with other organizations.

Theater Equipment & Supplies
The recreation and parks agencies of Henrico and Richmond exchange supplies, costumes and props for use at Dogwood Dell and other facilities.

Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond work cooperatively to bring youth sports tournaments such as the Jefferson Cup, International Senior Softball World Championships and the Capital Cup to the region. These efforts have established the metropolitan area as the site of numerous youth and adult tournaments.

Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Autism Center for Excellence
Henrico County Public Schools (HCPS) and Richmond Public Schools (RPS) participate in the VCU Autism Center for Excellence. This program imbeds public school staff with expertise in autism and program development to create and sustain high quality programs for students with autism. HCPS and RPS also serve as demonstration sites for regional divisions for dissemination of best practices in autism education.

Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) School of Engineering
Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond financially supported the establishment of a school of engineering at VCU. Henrico’s Economic Development Authority and VCU implemented a program that awards scholarships to qualified Henrico high school students who attend VCU’s School of Engineering.

Virginia Senior Games
The Henrico Division of Recreation and Parks works with the Virginia Recreation and Park Society to organize and implement sports and games for senior adults when the event is held in Henrico. Henrico Recreation and Parks also works with local recreation departments when the event is held in the Richmond area.

Youth Athletic Leagues
Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond provide playing fields for groups such as the Richmond Strikers Youth Soccer Club, Metropolitan Youth Football League, and Little League and Babe Ruth baseball/softball associations.


Acute Care Project
Regional community services boards have developed and implemented a state-funded program to purchase acute inpatient care at local hospitals to assure appropriate client and community safety and to avoid state hospitalization.

Advocates for an Intercultural RVA (AI-RVA)
AI-RVA is a coalition of individuals, institutions and organizations serving Richmond-area immigrants and refugees by sharing information, ideas and resources to educate and to be inclusive socially, occupationally and familiarly.

Aging Services
Henrico’s advocate for the aging serves on numerous regional committees to provide services for the region’s aging population. These committees include the Greater Richmond Regional Plan for Age Wave Readiness, Regional Caucus on Aging, Area Planning and Services Committee on Aging with Lifelong Disabilities, Alzheimer’s Association’s Care and Support Advisory Board and Telephone Reassurance Roundtable.

Area Planning and Services Committee
Henrico’s and Richmond’s mental health agencies and the Henrico Division of Recreation and Parks partner with area agencies, such as VCU, Richmond Housing Coalition, Faith in Action, Greater Richmond United Way, Behavioral Health Authority, Instructive Visiting Nursing Association, Adult Care Services, parent advocacy groups and the Capital Area Agency on Aging to develop services for aging adults with developmental disabilities and their families.

Capital Area Coalition of Local Social Services Boards
Social Services boards from Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, Richmond and Powhatan meet quarterly to address issues of concern before the state Social Services Board, governor, General Assembly and federal programs.

GRTC Transit System provides CARE paratransit services for residents in Henrico and Richmond and portions of Chesterfield.

Central Regional Supervisory Group
Supervisory benefit staff from local social services agencies meets quarterly to discuss training, program issues and staff development with state partners.

Central Virginia Coalition of Children’s Services Act Coordinators
Representatives from Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, Richmond, Powhatan and several localities from southern and northern Virginia meet quarterly to implement the Comprehensive Services Act for At Risk Youth and Families and provide training in the coordinated delivery of mental health services to children.

Central Virginia Partnership on Youth
Children Services Act coordinators from Chesterfield, Dinwiddie, Goochland, Henrico, King William, Richmond and private providers meet monthly to organize and plan an annual training event specifically for agencies that serve youth and families.

Children’s Response & Stabilization Team
Area community services boards fund and operate a crisis response team for youth with mental health disorders who are at risk of psychiatric hospitalization.

Chronic Disease Preventative Collaborative Network
The group works to address major elements that impact an individual’s health and well-being and brings together organizations to prioritize and align resources to achieve better health outcomes in Virginia.

Coalition for Children and Youth
Chesterfield, Colonial Heights, Dinwiddie, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Hopewell, Petersburg, Powhatan, Prince George and Richmond sponsor the Regional Foster Parent and Resource Recruitment Project.

Community Development Block Grant, HOME and Emergency Solutions Grant funding to the following efforts:

  • project:HOMES for housing repair and rehabilitation programs for low income homeowners
  • Southside Community Development and Housing Corporation for programs providing down payment and closing cost assistance and housing repair
  • Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME) Inc., for programs providing down payment and closing cost assistance, and fair housing outreach and education
  • YWCA Richmond for the Greater Richmond Regional Domestic Violence Hotline
  • HumanKind for employment services and financial counseling to low income people
  • Virginia Supportive Housing for the New Clay House studio apartment renovation and addition in Richmond for formerly homeless individuals
  • CARITAS for the proposed Healing Place for Women, a peer-based substance abuse recovery program in Richmond

Community Health Advisory Team (CHAT)
CHAT, facilitated by the Henrico Health District, serves as the leadership steering committee for all community health assessment (CHA) and community health improvement planning (CHIP) processes. The CHAT guides decision making and advocates for CHA and CHIP goals to inspire action and influence public opinion.

Community Health Worker (CHW) Advisory Group
Representatives of CHW employers discuss how to advance the field in Virginia. The group focuses on policy and planning, certification and association as well as researches best practices in other states and works to better understand the CHW work being done in Virginia.

C-Van provides van service for customers of the Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare. The service runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is managed by GRTC Transit System for Henrico and Richmond.

Domestic Violence Task Force
Domestic violence task forces from Chesterfield, Henrico and Richmond work cooperatively to develop public awareness and prevention programs.

ESF-8 Working Group
Facilitated by Henrico Health District, the group meets quarterly with community partners to share information on public health preparedness. The group works with local emergency management, public safety, hospitals, healthcare facilities and private sector partners to improve public health preparedness through training and exercises.

Greater Richmond Association for Volunteer Administration (GRAVA)
Hanover, Henrico’s Health District and Police Division, Richmond and more than 50 area organizations are members of GRAVA, which promotes excellence in the management and leadership of volunteers in the area through professional development, networking and advocacy.

Greater Richmond Coalition for Healthy Children
The coalition, which includes Chesterfield, Henrico and Richmond, promotes programs and policies to prevent childhood obesity.

Greater RVA and Petersburg Oral Health Steering Committee
The Oral Health Steering Committee for the area promote grassroots advocacy, oral health in pregnant women as well as safety net and children services.

Healthy Learning Coalition
The coalition works to ensure that children from birth through age 5 are healthy, cared for and ready to succeed. The group is comprised of representatives of the Henrico County Department of Social Services, Henrico Area Mental Health & Developmental Services, Henrico Health District, Henrico County Public Schools, Henrico County Public Library and Henrico office of Virginia Cooperative Extension as well as private health care and insurance professionals and dental care providers.

Henrico Area Mental Health & Developmental Services Community Services Board
The board serves residents of Charles City, Henrico and New Kent and provides mental health, developmental disability, substance use disorder and early intervention services and access to resources to help lead productive lives.

Henrico Heroin/Opioid Task Force
A multidisciplinary task force formed by the county manager in 2016 with representation from Police, Health District, Fire, Commonwealth’s Attorney, Sheriff’s Office, Mental Health and Developmental Services, Henrico County Public Schools and Circuit Court. The task force works to combat the opioid epidemic and makes recommendations in the areas of prevention, treatment, communication and the criminal justice system.

Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, Powhatan and Richmond work with Homeward to prevent, reduce and end homelessness by facilitating creative solutions through the collaboration, coordination and cooperation of regional resources and services.

Infant and Toddler Connection of Henrico Area
Coordinators from the Chesterfield, Henrico Area and Richmond community services boards meet regularly to discuss implementation of program standards regarding early intervention services for infants and toddlers.

Joint Employment Services Initiative
Chesterfield, Colonial Heights, Henrico and Richmond work with Department of Rehabilitative Services and with Rehabilitative Services and Vocational Placement, Inc. to provide dedicated staff to assist employment services customers.

Local Child Welfare Supervisors Meetings
Supervisors from local social services departments meet to discuss child welfare programs including Child Protective Services, Prevention, Foster Care and Adoptions, policies and implementation of Children’s Services Transformation initiatives.

Local Social Services Directors Meetings
Social services directors from Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, Richmond and Powhatan collaborate on social services programs, policies and implementation of the welfare reform program.

Long-Term Care
Chesterfield, Henrico and Richmond nursing staffs meet to review and plan for the impact of Medicaid and Medicare changes on their facilities.

Metro Risk Manager’s Association
The group meets once a month to discuss public assistance program operations in local social services departments in central Virginia. Issues are discussed regarding federal and state policy changes and the impact that changes have on local operations and customers.

Office of Multicultural Affairs Networking Meeting
Partners serving the Latino community in the region network and discuss gaps in service and barriers the community faces.

Partnership of Office Services Support Employees in Social Services (POSSESS)
POSSESS provides office services support personnel with a statewide organization for professional identity, professional development, networking and advocacy.

PD-15 Benefit Programs Organization
The League of Social Services Executives affiliate group conducts business meetings for the local agency benefit program members.

Public Health Emergency Preparedness
The Health District works with community partners to maintain and exercise plans for mass vaccination and dispensing. Community partners include Henrico Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), Community Health Worker Network, Fire, Office of Emergency Management, Police, Sheriff’s Office, Public Relations & Media Services, Henrico County Public Schools, Central Virginia Healthcare Coalition, St. Mary’s Hospital, Parham Doctors Hospital, Henrico Doctors Hospital, Hitting Cancer Below-the-Belt, Essex Village, local colleges and universities, and others. The Health District coordinates an annual flu vaccination clinic that provides free vaccinations to vulnerable communities. The Henrico MRC brings together volunteers from various backgrounds to support Health District operations, including communicable disease prevention education and outreach, training, daily office activities, tuberculosis contact investigations and mass vaccination exercises.

Regional Adult Mental Health Crisis Stabilization Program
Regional community services boards fund and use a 16-bed regional crisis stabilization program. The state-funded program is operated by the Richmond Behavioral Health Authority.

Regional Authorization Committee
Representatives of the Regional Community Services Board Consortium meet at Central State Hospital to review all requests for admission to ensure their appropriateness. Through this process, the region and hospital cooperatively manage the census at Central State Hospital.

Regional Child Mental Health Crisis Stabilization Program
Area community services boards fund and use a six-bed regional child crisis stabilization program. The state-funded program is operated under contract with St. Joseph’s Villa.

Regional Community Services Boards Consortium
The community services boards of Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Powhatan, Planning District 19 and Crossroads meet monthly to coordinate and address regional mental health, intellectual disability and substance abuse issues.

Regional Developmental Disabilities Case Managers/Support Coordinators Committee
Community services boards in Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Powhatan, District 19, Crossroads, Richmond and Southside meet quarterly for updates on service issues and training.

Regional Disability Directors
The Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Powhatan, District 19, Crossroads, Richmond and Southside directors of developmental disabilities, mental health and substance use disorders programs meet to coordinate services, develop cooperative training offerings and keep cooperative agreements current.

Regional Educational Assessment Crisis Response and Habilitation (REACH)
Developmental Disability Crisis Services

The REACH program provides support, guidance and input in the development and implementation of services for adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, mental health conditions or challenging behaviors that are negatively affecting their quality of life. Members include representatives of area community service boards, professionals, parents, advocacy groups and others. The state-funded program is operated by the Richmond Behavioral Health Authority.

Regional Prevention Managers
The Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Powhatan and Richmond managers of prevention services meet quarterly to coordinate efforts related to the prevention of mental health and substance use disorders.

Regional Quality Council
Council members include parents, advocates, providers and representatives of community service boards. The council is responsible for assessing data, identifying trends and recommending actions in the region concerning requirements of the U.S. Department of Justice. The work of the Regional Quality Council is directed by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services.

Regional Reinvestment Project
Since 2003, the area community services boards have developed programs to reduce the census at Central State Hospital and allow the transfer of hospital funds into the region for community services. As part of this effort, some regionally operated and funded programs have been developed to promote greater efficiencies. These include a regional crisis stabilization team, a regional behavioral team and a jail team. The Regional Reinvestment Project manages approximately $2.8 million.

Regional Round Table
The coalition sponsors the Regional Foster Parent and Resource Recruitment Project. Chesterfield, Colonial Heights, Dinwiddie, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Hopewell, Petersburg, Powhatan, Prince George and Richmond participate.

Regional Support Team
Regional Support Team is comprised of community services boards, providers and family members with experience and expertise in serving individuals with developmental disabilities in the community. The team identifies and seeks to resolve system barriers that prevent individuals from receiving services in the most integrated setting of their choice.

Richmond Area Infection Control Practitioners
The group sponsors training to participants and facilitates timely reporting of communicable diseases to local health departments.

Richmond Metro Advocacy Coalition
Since 2007, area community services boards, providers, advocacy groups, Richmond Public Schools, parents and others have focused on using education to promote awareness, community involvement and self-advocacy for families and individuals with mental health and substance use disorders and developmental disabilities.

RVA Well @ Work
This regional wellness group, which include representatives of Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico, Richmond and HCA and Bon Secours hospitals, conducts quarterly wellness education programs for employees and dependents from all four jurisdictions, focusing on health concerns defined in each localities’ health risk assessments.

Senior Connections
This agency coordinates and implements community-based services for the area’s elderly residents. Participants include Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, Powhatan and Richmond.

Striving to Achieve and Retain Self Sufficiency
An effort between Henrico’s and Richmond’s departments of social services organizes, plans, and implements a four-week job readiness program for participants in the Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare program.

Transition to Independence and Employment (TIE) Program Partnership Meetings
The meetings are part of an effort among community partners to implement the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families hard-to-serve grant administered through the Goodwill/TIE program.

VA Diabetes Council
The council brings together partners to identify and promote best practices for diabetes prevention, control and treatment.

Virginia Alliance for Social Work Practitioners (VASWP) Planning District 15
At monthly VASWP meetings, social workers from Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, Powhatan and Richmond discuss best practices and hear from expert speakers.

Virginia Community Capacity Initiative (VCCI)
VCCI requires refugee resettlement offices create a welcoming environment and local communities are kept informed about the new community members. Key stakeholders are invited to bi-monthly meetings to discuss refugee needs, impact on local institutions and benefits of welcoming refugees.

Virginia League of Social Services Executives
Local social services directors provide a forum for exploring issues confronting the delivery of services, examining policies and legislation that shape the delivery of services and serving as a resource for new and experienced social services executives.

Welfare Reform Regional Transportation Grant
The Social Services directors in Chesterfield, Henrico and Richmond partners with GRTC to provide enhanced transportation services for welfare clients seeking employment.

Zika Working Group
The group comprised of Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond shares updates about the Zika virus and prevention efforts.

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