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Regional Cooperation: Customer-Focused, Well-Managed, Fiscally Sound and Efficient

Audit Directors Regional Group
Audit directors from Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond meet to discuss productivity improvements, innovations and emerging audit issues in government; to promote joint continuing education, networking, and benchmarking among their teams; and to participate in hiring interview panels, if requested.

Capital Region Collaborative (CRC)
The county manager and staff serve on the Organizing Team of CRC. CRC was launched in 2007 by members of ChamberRVA and the Richmond Regional Planning District Commission to enhance the partnership between government and business leaders to improve the quality of life in the region.  The Organizing Team meets monthly to share expertise and knowledge to staff and volunteers on action teams. Currently, the Organizing Team is working on eight priorities for the region: education, job creation, workforce cooperation, social stability, healthy community, coordinated transportation, the James River and quality of place. The partnership has also created better coordination among nonprofits and funding for regional efforts. In 2016, CRC established an indicators report, RVA Snapshot, to benchmark continued efforts and to publish the shared vision for the community.

Capital Region Workforce Partners Management Team
Capital Workforce Partners collaborates with state agencies, local educational institutions, business and community organizations and contractors to implement a fully integrated delivery system to meet the needs of the region’s individuals and businesses.

Capital Regional Caucus
Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico, Richmond and other jurisdictions meet periodically throughout the year and weekly during the General Assembly session to discuss bills and resolutions important to the region and to coordinate efforts to move the region’s legislative priorities forward.

Chief Elected Official (CEO) and Chief Administrative Official (CAO) Meetings
The chief elected official and the chief administrative official for Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond meet monthly. The localities take turns hosting the meeting and preparing the agenda of topics that the region needs to address.

Community Corrections Regional Purchasing
Chesterfield, Henrico and Richmond ‘s Community Corrections programs cooperatively purchase and share residential space and programs for clients.

Community Development Deputies’ Meeting
The deputy county administrators for community development and operations in the region meet quarterly to collaborate and discuss matters of mutual interest. Discussions include zoning and development practices, plan-review procedures, proffered conditions legislation, regional public utility needs, road improvement plans, community revitalization efforts and other regional development related issues. These efforts have led to an improved coordination of growth, physical development and delivery of services.

Cooperative Purchasing
Since January 2017, the purchasing directors from Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond have met quarterly to discuss joint procurement, mutual access to each locality’s contracts, hosting of a regional supplier outreach event and other regional cooperation opportunities. Henrico participates in the following purchasing alliances: U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance, National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance, National Joint Powers Alliance and Virginia Association of State College and University Purchasing Professionals. Henrico also participates in regional, state, and national procurement associations, including Capital Area Purchasing Association, Virginia Association of Governmental Purchasing and National Institute of Governmental Purchasing.

Finance, Taxation and Budget
Regional initiatives, such as the Greater Richmond Convention Center Authority, James River Juvenile Detention Center (JRJDC) and CodeRVA Regional High School, are enhanced by regional partners who serve as the primary fiscal agent for the organization. Henrico serves as fiscal agent for both JRJDC and CodeRVA. In addition, finance, treasury, taxation, revenue and budget officers and staff in Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond maintain close contact to discuss issues of mutual concern, develop uniform procedures and to compare economic trends.

General Registrar Voter Transfers
Registrars in Chesterfield, Henrico and Richmond accommodate each other’s needs when registered voters move from one locality to another. These officers also share ideas and information about office procedures, legal issues and related concerns.

Human Resources Administration Information Sharing
Human resources directors from Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond meet regularly to discuss issues, policies and practices that affect the region and their respective local governments. They share information on benefits, salaries and policies.

Human Resources Directors Joint Recruitment Efforts
The directors of human resources from the local jurisdictions worked together to recruit and fill two high-level regional positions: the executive director of the Greater Richmond Partnership and the executive director of the Richmond Regional Planning District Commission.

Intergovernmental Personnel Advisory Committee
Human resource’s management staff participates in the regional Intergovernmental Personnel Advisory Committee, an association of human resources personnel who meet regularly to discuss compensation, benefits and other human resources related topics.

Joint Management Development Training
Chesterfield and Henrico share resources to bring quality speakers to employee training programs.

Joint Regional Audit Efforts
Multijurisdictional teams provide audit services for special regional projects or groups.

Leadership Metro Richmond (LMR)
LMR is a community leadership development program affiliated with the National Association for Community Leadership. LMR’s purpose is to educate leaders about the complexity of key issues in the metropolitan area, engage a diverse group of community leaders in problem solving, team building and interpersonal communication and encourage individual involvement in shaping policy, exerting influence and providing vision for the future of the community. Representatives of Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond serve in the LMR program, on its board of directors and as advisors to its classes.

Personal Property Information
Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond officials share personal property information, such as the location of personal property, business license information and payment of taxes.

Real Estate Assessment Information
Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond officials share real property information such as residential and commercial sales activity and meet periodically to discuss market trends.

Regional Jobs Website
Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico and Richmond, jointly offer a website showing all job vacancies posted in their respective localities. This website,, is updated weekly.

Regional Revenue Forum
The Regional Revenue Forum is an annual event that brings experts in the fields of real estate, homebuilding, retail sales, car sales and economics, to finance officials from the region to discuss local economy and revenue issues. Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Hopewell, Petersburg, Powhatan and Richmond officials participate.

Regional Social Services Fraud Meetings
Social Services fraud investigators and supervisors meet quarterly to train and share information among local agencies.

Virginia Government Finance Officers Association
The association promotes the improvement of methods of governmental finance and extends the educational and professional activities of members as developed and recommended by the Government Finance Officers’ Association of the United States and Canada, the National Committee on Governmental Accounting and other authorities in the field of municipal administration.

Virginia Association of Telecommunication Officers and Advisors (VATOA)
VATOA’s membership consists of cities and counties throughout the state with a common interest in cable television, telecommunications and broadband access for residents. The organization shares information to assist with the consistent administration of cable franchise agreements, the development and operation of broadband communications, cable television, and telecommunications networks for localities.

Virginia Energy Procurement Governmental Association (VEPGA)
Henrico, along with about 200 counties, cities, towns, boards and authorities across the state, have created VEPGA. This association negotiates and contracts for the acquisition of electric energy on behalf of its members. Virginia is the only state in which political subdivisions are not subject to the jurisdiction of the state regulatory agency for the acquisition of electric energy. Therefore, VEPGA negotiates with Dominion Energy for the acquisition of electricity. This model has resulted in significant savings to Virginia jurisdictions.

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