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Month: November 2017

School Project…

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A resident sent a thank you regarding Lisa Kroll, a librarian at the Glen Allen Library, for accommodating her when she requested a book, as the library was closing, which […]

Thank you!

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The Sheriff’s Office was acknowledged for their addiction programs and detox sessions that are housed in the jail. An individual’s family member was arrested a week ago for addiction. The […]


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Cheryl Dent, a Henrico employee in the Department of Finance, acknowledged the Police Division Traffic Officers on Motorcycle Patrol. She noted their level of professionalism and compassion during two funeral […]

Safe Return!

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A resident of the City of Richmond sent his sincere gratitude to Sergeant Clifford Middlebrook. The resident lost his wallet while attending the Dominion Energy Charity Classic. Sergeant Middlebrook located […]


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A volunteer from the Achievable Dream Academy acknowledged Lieutenant Dieter Merz in the Police Division for his teamwork and hospitality during the Dominion Energy Charity Classic. Lieutenant Merz made the […]

Cyber Security!

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Travis Sparrow, Network Manager for the Department of Information Technology, participated in a national cyber security skills competition in July. Travis finished in the top 3% nationally out of 4,000 […]

Plan Review…

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Jen Cobb, Engineering & Environmental Services Division Director, submitted a generous email to recognize Steve Bandura, Plan Reviewer for the Department of Public Works. Steve is a 30+ year Henrico […]
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