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Month: March 2019

Firefighter Sarah Hill, Division of Fire

Sarah Hill, Henrico County Firefigher
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Firefighter Sarah Hill was off duty in Hanover County when she noticed a female motorist in distress as she exited her vehicle on U.S. 301. Hill left her car and […]

Officer Alex Danilovich, Police Division

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A longtime staff member at Brookland Middle School emailed to compliment School Resource Officer Alex Danilovich. She said she had never seen an officer so involved in the school and […]

Stephanie Steele, Department of Finance

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A resident emailed to praise Stephanie Steele, a management technician in the Revenue Division of the Department of Finance. The resident said she had assisted in correcting his vehicle registration […]

Officer Jenifer Gough, Police Division

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With frigid temperatures forecasted this winter, Officer Jenifer Gough stopped to give a kit of supplies, including hand warmers, toiletries and snacks, to a man who was panhandling at Brook […]

Department of Public Works

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Representatives of the East End, Evergreen and Woodland cemeteries wrote to thank Public Works for its help in clearing brush, fallen trees and trash from the historic cemeteries. Hundreds of […]
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