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Month: May 2018

Operation Paintbrush, Department of Community Revitalization

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A resident sent a note to Varina Supervisor Tyrone Nelson for work done by Team Excel through the Department of Community Revitalization’s Operation Paintbrush program. Operation Paintbrush organizes community volunteers […]

Juan Little, Department of Public Utilities

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A resident emailed to compliment the service provided by Juan Little, labor foreman with the Department of Public Utilities, during work done at her house. She lauded his ability to […]

Melvin Conway, Department of Public Utilities

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A resident expressed appreciation for the help provided by Melvin Conway, from the Charles City Road Public Use Area. The resident arrived shortly before closing to dispose of a load […]

STAR Team, Multiple Departments

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A kidney specialist contacted the Henrico STAR team about one of his patients. The Services to Aid Recovery – or STAR team – is a joint effort by Henrico’s Fire […]

Joe James, Jr., Department of Public Utilities

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A resident complimented the excellent customer service of Joe James, Jr., of the Department of Public Utilities. The resident said she had not moved her trash can to the street […]
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