Build Henrico website aims to transform county’s land management services; code enforcement section to roll out Feb. 16
Henrico County is launching a website for residents and the development community to make and track a zoning complaint, apply for building permits, submit plans and pay fees — moving a range of services online that have been conducted in person and on paper.
Build Henrico, the new enterprise land management solution, incorporates the efforts of more than 300 employees working across 17 county agencies and is designed to transform the way the county interacts and conducts business with its customers.
“Build Henrico will reduce the amount of paper copies and the number of time-consuming trips Henrico’s residents, builders and others have to make to our government centers, and it also will streamline many of the county’s internal processes,” said Jenn Montrose and Lisa Orlosky, of the county’s Department of Information Technology, which spearheaded development of the site. “The public will see a huge shift in the way it interacts with the county moving forward.”
The website, accessible now at and linked from the Henrico County homepage, is marked by a logo that features an outline of buildings in blue and red. Customers can begin using different sections of the site as applications are activated over the next several months.

The first phase of Build Henrico, a section on zoning code enforcement and annual inspections, will launch Tuesday, Feb. 16 and will allow residents, businesses and others to report neighborhood concerns such as potholes and properties with tall grass and weeds, among other options. The enhanced code enforcement system is designed to help users receive timely feedback, case updates, notices of violations and other information regarding their submitted complaints.
The website’s second phase, targeted for launch in the spring, will enable builders to complete tasks such as applying for building, electrical and other permits, estimating fees, requesting inspections and acquiring certificates of occupancy.
Build Henrico’s final phase, which will facilitate the submission of development plans, will be implemented in 2022.
Build Henrico users will manage a personal account through a customer portal. Video tutorials will offer tips for creating an account, submitting content and navigating other features.
The site also provides contact information and descriptions of the areas of responsibility for key county agencies, including the departments of Community Revitalization, Planning and Building Inspections and the Permit Center.