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Become a Volunteer

Volunteer with Henrico County

Call the Horticulture Helpline for answers to your Lawn & Garden Questions!

When plant, insect, and wildlife problems happen in the lawn or garden, who do you call? A team of trained Master Gardeners are available to help answer gardening and pest questions, and solve problems using current research-based...

Compliment a Henrico Police Officer/Employee

The Henrico County Police Division is proud to provide internationally accredited law enforcement services to Henrico residents, businesses, and visitors. The Division strives to treat all people with respect, compassion, and dignity....

Demolition Permit

Effective August 30, 2021, all permit applications for the demolition of buildings or structures shall be submitted using the Build Henrico permitting instructions below. Build Henrico Permitting Instructions Register for...

Election Result – Henrico County

Fees Free   Statewide Results : State Board of Elections - All Election Results   Henrico County Results : Henrico 2019 Election results   Henrico 2018 Election results   Henrico 2017 Election...

File a Zoning or Environmental Complaint

Henrico’s improved code enforcement system will allow our departments to more efficiently notify complainants of enforcement actions and provide more transparent case updates, including feedback, notice of violations, outside...

Fire / EMS Reports

Procedure for obtaining a Fire Report The Division of Fire completes a basic fire report for all incidents that we respond to. This report contains information such as: location of the incident, time of the incident, the primary...

Fire Protection System Permit

For fire protection systems or equipment installations related to building permits issued prior to August 30, 2021, and with a permit number format of BLD2021-xxxxx, see the Legacy permitting system instructions on this page below. ...

Fire Station Visit / Tour

Visit one of our Fire Stations and meet the men and women that serve our community as firefighters.  In Henrico, firefighters work 24 hour shifts.  Our Fire Stations are like our homes while we are on duty - we work, eat and sleep...


Domestic JudgmentsThe fee for docketing a judgment obtained in a Virginia court is $10.00. Judgments that do not meet the requirements of Virginia Code Section 8.01-446 cannot be docketed and will be returned to the presenting party. Payment...

Local Government 101: Henrico’s Youth Educational Program

Henrico County is hosting a free, brief educational program on the structure and function of Henrico’s local government. The program complements any requirements needed for students and scouts to earn credit for merit badges...

Name Changes

Henrico County residents can apply at the Henrico’s Circuit Court Clerk’s Office for a personal name change. Documentation needed: Completed application form Driver’s License (if the license does not have a Henrico street...

Permit – Adult Business

Henrico County Code 15-182 requires every person operating, or desiring to operate, an adult business to obtain a permit from the Chief of Police. An adult business includes any adult bookstore, adult video store, adult model studio,...

Permit – Dance Hall

Dance Hall Permits are required and may be permanent or temporary. The Police Division's Permits Officer reviews and processes permits and permit renewals for dance halls.  Fees $200 Payment may be made in cash or in a check or money...

Pre-Application Meeting for Conditional Use Permit or Variance

A pre-application meeting is optional for conditional user permits or variances.

Pre-Application Meeting for Plans of Development, Site Plans, and Subdivisions

A pre-application meeting is an optional step in the Plans of Development, Site Plans, and Subdivisions processes. This meeting is only available for properties already appropriately zoned for the proposed use and offers the applicant...

Public Safety Cadets Program

Henrico Police is proud to partner with the Public Safety Cadet Program, a new, national non-profit organization founded and managed by active and retired law enforcement officers and business leaders dedicated to preparing young...

Report Criminal Fraud in Henrico

Scams change frequently and involve numerous contrived scenarios. Some of the more frequent scams include: Jury Scam, Relationship Scam, Prince Scam, IRS Scam, Dominion Energy Power Scam, Lottery Scam, Family Distress Scam, Cashier...

Request GIS Data

Available Datasets Planimetric Base Map and Topo: Data includes road centerlines, edge of roadway, parking lots, driveways, building outlines, barriers, streams and water bodies (hydrography), tree cover. Topographic layer includes...

SARA Title III / Tier II

SARA Title III was enacted by U.S. Congress in 1986 in response to an incident in India in which 2500 people were killed by a chemical release. The purpose behind SARA Title III/EPCRA has been to create a cooperative relationship...

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