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Become a Volunteer

fill out online form   Online
available via mail   Via Mail
available in person   In Person

Court-Mandated Hours

Effective May 30, 2021, all court-mandated individuals should contact your probation officer directly to secure community service hours for court-mandated reasons. If you do not have a Probation Officer, please get in touch with any non-profit agency and inquire about community service hours.

Volunteer In Splash’s Background

Henrico County’s Volunteer Services Program strives to provide meaningful volunteer opportunities to individuals and groups seeking to devote their time and services to our organization. Volunteers can make a difference in many ways to include volunteering for park clean ups, serving at the animal shelter, and many more. Ready to get involved? Learn more about volunteering with us by checking out our opportunities below.



Parental Consent Form

Volunteer Opportunities

September Volunteer Opportunities

Red Cross Volunteer Opportunities 

Volunteer at Aggie’s Attic
Woodland Cemetery Volunteer Day

Additional Links

Libraries’ Volunteen Program
Lakeside Volunteer Rescue Squad
Tuckahoe Volunteer Rescue Squad
Volunteers Henrico CASA
Community Foundation (Volunteer opportunities outside Henrico)

Volunteers help with Henrico Community Food Bank drive



Volunteers work to clean up Woodland Cemetery




VOLUNTEER with SCHOOLS (separate application)

Contact Us

Henrico County Volunteer Coordinator, Victoria Davis
(804) 501-4933
[email protected]

Outreach & Engagement

Our Address:
1950 E. Parham Rd.
Building 3, Suite 100
Henrico, Virginia 23228


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