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Demolition Permit

available online   Online

Effective August 30, 2021, all permit applications for the demolition of buildings or structures shall be submitted using the Build Henrico permitting instructions below.

Build Henrico Permitting Instructions

Document Submission Standards

Go to Help Using Build Henrico for additional information, tutorials and presentations.

Permit Cancelation

  • Permit not issued:  Withdraw in customer portal.
  • Permit issued: Complete Request for Permit Cancelation and call our Permit Technicians at 804-501-4360 for assistance.
  • Note: You must enter a reason for the cancelation. If a refund is requested, you must add this request to the reason for cancelation. The refund rate is 100% of the permit fee if the permit has not been issued and 75% of the permit fee if the permit has been issued.


The fee for a demolition permit is based on the cost of labor and material for the demolition work.  The fee is calculated as follows:

Commercial demolition: $100 for the first $5000 of estimated cost + $7 per additional $1000 or fraction thereof.  In addition to the permit fee, there is a 2% state levy.  The total fee owed at the time of application is the permit fee plus the state levy (permit fee times .02).  A permit fee calculator is available at

One- and two- family dwelling demolition: $100 for the first $5000 of estimated cost + $6 per additional $1000 or fraction thereof.  In addition to the permit fee, there is a 2% state levy.  The total fee owed at the time of application is the permit fee plus the state levy (permit fee times .02).  A permit fee calculator is available at

Contact Us

Building Inspections
(804) 501-4360

Building Inspections

Physical Address
Department of Building Construction and Inspections
4301 East Parham Road
Henrico, VA 23228

(804) 501-4360
Automated Permit System
(804) 501-7770

Mailing Address
Department of Building Construction and Inspections
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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