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Henrico County offices, facilities and courts will be closed Wed, Feb 19 due to the expected inclement weather

No refuse collection Wed, Feb 19. Collection this week is delayed. Public use areas are closed Wed, Feb 19.

Community Workforce Program

The Henrico Sheriff’s Office has created a Community Workforce option for offenders that meet certain criteria:

  • Eligible for a non-consecutive sentence under VA Code 53.1-131.1
  • Eligibility for participation granted by the sentencing Court
  • Maximum sentence of 45 days to participate
  • Not serving a mandatory sentence
  • Report drug and alcohol free – not under the influence of alcohol or have drugs in your system, to include marijuana (valid prescription(s) will be reviewed)
  • Availability based on projects to be completed
  • Participants will pay $8.00 per day to defray their cost of keep.

Persons granted community work force eligibility will report to the Alternative Sentencing Office to register following their court appearance. The Alternative Sentencing Office is in the main lobby of the Sheriff’s Office, 4317 E. Parham Road adjacent to the Magistrate’s Office.

  1. Once registered, you will report back to the Alternative Sentencing Office at 08:00 am on your scheduled report to jail date.
  2. Your workdays, Saturday, and Sunday will approximate a normal workday in the community; not to exceed 8 hours.
  3. Work projects will be conducted on County or State property. They will usually consist of light cleaning, trash removal, etc. Lunch and beverages will be provided. A cooler will be available for meal and beverage storage. Feel free to bring your own lunch should you have special dietary needs.
  4. Any medical issues that would prevent your participation should be conveyed during the registration process or upon reporting.
  5. Participants will be credited 2 days for each day of participation in the Community Workforce program.
  6. Any violations will be reported to the sentencing Court and a jail administrative hearing will be held to remove you from the program.

The Sheriff’s Office has final authority to grant participation in the program.

No Personal Property, To Include Cell Phones, Are Allowed for The Weekend or Community Workforce Programs

Contact Us

Sheriff’s Office

Delivery Address
4317 E. Parham Rd.
Henrico, VA 23228

(804) 501-5860

Fax - Sheriff
(804) 501-4770
Fax - Protective Orders and Civil Services
(804) 501-5443

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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ADA Coordinator
Major R. Roane
(804) 727-8788 - ADA Message Line
[email protected]

Social Media Policy 
Additional Contact Information
Email is not monitored 24 hours a day.

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