Alternative Sentencing

Work Release, Home Incarceration and Non-Consecutive Sentencing

Work Release, Home Incarceration and Non-consecutive sentences are options in jail sentencing. Each program is slightly different, but all three are designed to give individuals an opportunity to maintain employment while serving a jail sentence.

The programs must be authorized by the sentencing judge. The Judge or the Sheriff can place further restrictions on the participants for each program. Each Work Release and Home Incarceration participant is required to sign a contract outlining the rules and regulations of the programs. If contracts are violated in any way the participant will be charged institutionally. If  found guilty, the participant may be removed from the program and the sentencing judge will be notified. Click on the links below for more detailed information about each program.

Alternative Sentencing staff can be reached during normal business hours 8-4:30 M-F @ (804) 501-4576.

Contact the Sheriff’s Office at [email protected] to receive an Alternative Sentencing Client Application.

Home Incarceration Program

Home incarceration allows participants to serve their jail sentence in the confines of their home. If work release is granted along with home incarceration, the participant will have a set schedule to follow. Home Incarceration must be granted by the sentencing court. Home Incarceration must be granted on each charge prior to a participant going home. The following is a list of requirements governing the Home Incarceration Program:

  • Have an operable telephone at the place of residence. Only basic telephone service is allowed. No answering machines, call waiting, call forwarding, etc., is permitted. If participant resides in an area that is considered by the telephone company to be long distance,  participant will be responsible for all bills for calls made to approved residence by the Home Incarceration Staff.
  • Pay $25.00 processing fee to be placed on the program. Additionally, for each day that a participant is on the Home Incarceration Program they will be charged at the rate of $10.00 per day. Only money orders are accepted. If a payment is made in cash, personal check or certified check the payment will be returned and the account will be considered delinquent.
  • Have a reliable source of transportation.

Alternative Sentencing staff can be reached during normal business hours 8-4:30 M-F @ (804) 501-4576.

E-mail your questions to the Sheriff’s Office at [email protected]

Contact Us

Sheriff’s Office

Delivery Address
4317 E. Parham Rd.
Henrico, VA 23228

(804) 501-5860

Fax - Sheriff
(804) 501-4770
Fax - Protective Orders and Civil Services
(804) 501-5443

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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ADA Coordinator
Major R. Roane
(804) 727-8788 - ADA Message Line
[email protected]

Social Media Policy 
Additional Contact Information
Email is not monitored 24 hours a day.

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