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Sheriff’s Office

Front of Building with 4317


 Our mission is to protect and assist the citizens of Henrico by providing;

  • Security for the jails and county courthouse
  • Rehabilitation for inmates through vocational, mental health, education and work programs
  • Executing mental health commitment orders
  • Service of civil process documents

We achieve our mission through our professionally trained staff that use state of the art technology.

We operate with over 400 staff for the two regional jails, courts and administrative services office.

The Henrico County Sheriff’s Office is accredited by;

  • The American Correctional Association (ACA)
  • The Department of Correction (DOC)
  • The Department of Justice PREA standards

Prohibited Court Items

Alisa A. Gregory - Sheriff

Alisa A. Gregory was elected Sheriff in the November 2019 general election and made history as the first African American and first female to serve as Sheriff in Henrico County. She was re-elected in November 2023 and is serving her second term.

With 25 years experience and a dedicated staff of over 400, Sheriff Gregory and her team safely manage two separate jail facilities in one of the largest, most densely populated counties in Virginia.

Sheriff Gregory began her career with the Sheriff’s Office in 1998 as a Deputy at Jail East. Since then she has worked in Alternative Sentencing, Training, Administrative Services, Programs and Quality Assurance. In 2015 she became Chief Deputy and was promoted to UnderSheriff in 2019.

Shortly after being elected she led the team during the pandemic using her skills from her academic achievements and awards. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management with a minor in Leadership from the University of Richmond. It was at University of Richmond where she also received her master’s degree in Disaster Science.  The Sheriff is a DCJS Certified General, Firearms and Defensive Tactics Instructor; FEMA Instructor for ICS 100, 200, 300, and 400, and she is an FBI-LEEDA Trilogy Award Recipient.

In 2001 she was awarded Deputy of the Year by the Varina Ruritan Club and in  2006 she won the Excellence in Public Service award from Henrico County and the Distinguished Service (Tom) Baehr Award from the Henrico Sheriff’s Office.

Sheriff Gregory’s professional affiliations include FBI-LEEDA; American Jail Association; Virginia Sheriff’s Association; American Correctional Association; International Association of Chiefs of Police, Virginia Association of Directors of Criminal Justice Training and the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives.

She is married with four children and three grandchildren.

Video Visitation

For technical questions regarding Video Visitation please call GTL Support at 866-516-0115.


Accepting Applications for State Certified Jail Deputies/Jailors
If you are currently a Jail Deputy or Jailor in the State of Virginia, we are accepting applications from certified applicants. Once employment with the Henrico Sheriff’s Office is confirmed, pre-certified applicants attend a modified academy or in-service training to become familiar with the Henrico County Sheriff’s office operations and policies. 

Henrico Inmate Search

Lookup Henrico County Jail Inmate Information.

Honoring our Military Members

The Henrico County Sheriff’s Office’s staff wish to recognize our current active-duty military personnel. We keep them in our thoughts and appreciate their service.

Sergeant R. Shope – US Army Reservist


Delivery Address
4317 E. Parham Rd.
Henrico, VA 23228

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

[email protected]

(804) 501-5860

Fax - Sheriff
(804) 501-4770
Fax - Protective Orders and Civil Services
(804) 501-5443

ADA Coordinator
Major R. Roane
804-727-8788 - ADA Message Line

[email protected]







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