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Infrastructure Application Requirements

Listed below are the current infrastructure application requirements. Click any dropdown for more information.

What we expect of you (the plan submitter)
  • We expect you to submit a legible set of plans that is easy to read.  Labels and text should be clear and not overlap.  Different line types and weights should be used to clearly differentiate between plan components.
  • Calculations should be easily referenced with the structures/areas/etc. to which they refer. For example, structure numbers in the structure schedule table should match the link/structure numbers used in the storm sewer calculations tables/reports. Similarly, drainage areas called out on drainage area maps should use the same drainage area number/name in the routing reports.
  • Please convert the VRRM spreadsheet (if applicable) to a pdf before uploading it to Build Henrico. The Build Henrico system cannot send macro-enabled excel documents to reviewers, so if you do not first convert the VRRM spreadsheet to a pdf, reviewers will be unable to view it. If you wish to submit the VRRM spreadsheet as an excel document, you may email it to the reviewer in addition to uploading a pdf version to Build Henrico.
  • When uploading files to Build Henrico, please try to keep file names consistent throughout the submittal process, so that it is clear which documents are new versions of previously submitted documents. For example, if you are submitting a response to comments document, it is helpful to keep the file name RESP – DES – [Project Name] – 202X-XX-XX and only change the file name to revise the date with subsequent submittals. This assists reviewers in directly comparing documents to view changes between submittals and streamlines the review process.
  • If you are submitting a revision to a previously approved plan set, please include with your submittal a memo indicating the items that have been revised.
  • If you have hard copies of documents (BMP Maintenance Agreements, ECA, Letters of Credit, etc.) or fees to deliver to DPW, unless instructed otherwise, please drop them off or mail them directly to the DPW Design Division to the attention of the reviewer. Mailing or dropping off these items to other departments (or without any department-identifying information at all) can cause significant delays in DPW’s receipt of these items, so please contact your reviewer if you are unsure of where these types of items should be sent.
What to expect from us (Assurance Control/Engineering plan review)
  • We will do our best to complete our review in a timely manner and provide comments in a clear and concise format.  If you have questions about any of our comments, we will be glad to discuss them with you either by telephone or meeting in person or virtually.
All plans that propose land disturbance of 2,500 square feet or more must include the following:
  1. An Environmental Compliance Plan in accordance with Chapter 5 of the Henrico County Environmental Compliance Manual.
  2. An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan in accordance with Chapter 8 of the Henrico County Environmental Compliance Manual.
  3. A Stormwater Management (SWM) Plan in accordance with Chapter 9 of the Environmental Compliance Manual.
  4. All MS4 Program Requirements must be addressed in accordance with Chapter 15 of the Henrico County Environmental Compliance Manual.
  5. Provide an Environmental Compliance bond and two copies of the standard Environmental Compliance Agreement.  All Bonds must be cash, letter of credit, or certificate of deposit.  Information and the forms for the Environmental Compliance Agreement can be found at:
  6. The proposed plans must comply with all Henrico County standards for drainage, grading, and road design accordance with the Henrico County Design Manual and the Henrico County Environmental Compliance Manual.
All plans that propose one acre or more of land disturbance must also address the following
  1. A Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) in accordance with Chapter 10 of the Environmental Compliance Manual.
  2. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in accordance with Chapter 13 of the Henrico County Environmental Compliance Manual.
  3. A General Construction Permit (GCP) is required for the proposed land-disturbing activity and must be obtained prior plan approval.
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