What is the Traffic Calming Program?
Excessive speeding and cut through traffic present safety concerns to neighborhood residents. Traffic calming measures are determined by the County Engineer or the County Traffic Engineer to address safety concerns due to excessive vehicle speeds, cut through traffic or other reasons. The needs are identified by the County Engineer or Traffic Engineer; however, residents are encouraged to submit requests for consideration. Residents may only request for the street on which they live.
When it is determined that a safety concern is present, the County Engineer or Traffic Engineer may direct the construction of traffic calming devices to structurally slow traffic. When this recommendation is made to enter a street into the Traffic Calming Program, the county will provide information on the Department of Public Works Traffic Calming website.
What are the goals of the Traffic Calming Program?
The goals of the program are to:
- Slow traffic speeds,
- Reduce instances of excessive speeding,
- Reduce “cut thru” traffic,
- Create a safe neighborhood for all road users including pedestrians and cyclists.
What criteria are considered for installation of traffic calming devices?
- Residential street with a speed limit of 25 mph.
- Roadways with measured speeding and excessive speeding ( for example measured speeding of 20 mph or more over the posted speed limit).
- Roadways with a minimum of 300 vehicles per day.
- Roadways with documented crash history attributed to speeding.
- Roads used as known “cut-thru” routes between major roads.
- Roadways with thru connections (section of road do not end in a cul-de-sac)
- Priority given to streets adjacent to active schools and parks.
- Priority given to streets without sidewalk present.
How is “cut thru” traffic determined?
“Cut thru” streets have vehicles using the street as an alternative to avoiding the adjacent major roadways or traffic signals. Using the street to gain access to other adjacent neighborhood streets does not constitute a “cut thru” street. The County Engineer or Traffic Engineer will determine cut thru streets by conducting origin-destination studies.
What are traffic calming devices?
Physical devices installed on roadways to improve safety for all roadway users by reducing vehicle speeds, reducing “cut thru” traffic and improving safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Traffic calming devices are self-enforcing and have proven to be effective in reducing vehicle speeds. Henrico County currently has several types of traffic calming devices for implementation including, but not limited to the following:
- Speed cushions
- Speed cushions are used to slow traffic and allow emergency vehicles to travel with minimal delays. The speed cushion designs have been developed with the cooperation of the Henrico County Fire Marshall.

- Raised crosswalks
- Raised crosswalks structurally reduce vehicle speeds by providing a raised roadway surface. Raised crosswalks operate like speed cushions; however, they are located at marked pedestrian crosswalks.

- Neighborhood roundabouts
- Neighborhood roundabouts are small roundabouts that reduce vehicular speeds at intersections.

- Curb extensions
- Curb extensions are used to reduce the road width to encourage reduced vehicular speeds.

- Bike lane striping
- Bike lanes use extra pavement, and they narrow the vehicle lanes which encourages reduced vehicular speeds

- Roadway closures
- Roadway closures physically close one end of a street to prohibit vehicular traffic from “cutting thru” a specific route.

The Department of Public Works may erect temporary traffic calming measures to determine their effectiveness. These will normally be replaced with permanent devices if they prove to be effective safety improvements.
The county uses a contractor to install speed cushions on local streets. There are two rounds of installations that take place each year – Spring and Fall. Each list is limited based on the number of cushions to be installed. If your street qualifies for speed cushions and the current list is full, it will be placed on the next available list for installations.
Who should I contact for more information?
[email protected]
804-727-8343 (fax)
Where should I send a request for traffic calming?
Your request should include:
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Email address
- Area of concern
Who should I contact to request police speed enforcement?
Henrico County Police Department
Traffic Safety Unit
[email protected]