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The Armour House


4001 Clarendon Road
Henrico, VA 23223

This landmark is near Armour House & Gardens at Meadowview Park.

Geo Coordinates



c. 1915. Henrico County Historic Preservation Program. HP 77.

Originally known as Meadowview Farm, the house has Queen Anne and Colonial revival details which are typical of the first quarter of the 20th century.

Historical Timeline

1800 – A country residence of Chief Justice John Marshall stood nearby, known as Chickahominy Farm.
1862 – Civil War rifle pits were dug nearby where Confederate General Robert E. Lee observed the beginnings of the Seven Day’s Battle.
1918 – Edmund Christian, who was born and raised at nearby Craighton Farm, completed construction of the current structure.
1930s – Hugh Crawford Brenaman purchased land from Sallie Christian, Edmund’s widow, and opened Camp Arrowhead for boys.
1944 – Alex Armour purchased the property and remained there until his death in 1998. Armour served as president of the Richmond YMCA, director of the Richmond Home for Ladies, and was the Fairfield District representative on the Henrico County Planning Commission.
1970s – Archeologists identified two areas of American Indian occupation on the property.
1999 – Henrico County purchased the property from the Armour family.
2007 – Henrico County opened the property as a park and recreation facility.


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