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Deep Run School


3401 Pump Road
Henrico, VA

This landmark is near Short Pump Park.

Geo Coordinates



c. 1902. Henrico County Historic Preservation Program. HP 8.

Deep Run School was constructed in 1902 at a cost of $700. The original location of the school was the intersection of Three Chopt and Cox Roads. The two-room school offered instruction to children ages five to seventeen. The school served white students from area households where the families earned a living as farmers or coal miners.

Historical Timeline

1902 – Deep Run School opened to replace the Stand Spring School, which served the community through the 19th century.
1910 – 43 students attended the school; 26 in the lower grades and 17 in the 5th-7th grade classroom
1911 – The school closed when a larger building was constructed to accommodate more students from a greater geographic area.
1913 – The building was converted to a residence.
1996 – The former schoolhouse was moved to its present location in Short Pump Park.
1998 – Deep Run Schoolhouse museum opened to the public by appointment and for special programs.


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