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Health + Wellness

Weather Protection


Today’s a great day to schedule your child’s immunizations!

The State of Virginia requires that children must be up-to-date on physicals and immunizations for school and for learning virtually. The Richmond and Henrico Health Districts and their partners have developed materials to assist parents in making informed choices about immunization. You can protect your child from preventable diseases by making sure they get their immunizations on time.

Please scan and email your child’s immunization record to our encrypted inbox prior to your appointment:      

Bring your child’s immunization records to the appointment.

Please note that while the Richmond and Henrico Health Districts do not charge for immunizations, some of our partners may. Additionally, most pediatricians will perform an exam which could add an additional cost. For more information, visit

Pharmacy Locations / Ubicaciones de Farmacia
Bremo Pharmacy
2024 Staples Mill Rd, Richmond, VA 23230
804-288-8361 |

Hope Pharmacy
1330 N 25th St, Richmond, VA 23223 (located in the Market at 25th)
804-537-0103 |

How to Schedule
• Bremo:
• Hope:

Cómo programar las citas
• Bremo:
• Hope:

Bremo Pharmacy (Staples Mill area) and Hope Pharmacy (Church Hill)!
For Medicaid, Uninsured, and private insurances

For Medicaid, no asegurados y seguros privados

RHHD Bremo Hope Pharmacy Logos

School Immunizations

Is your student entering a new school system or moving into kindergarten, 7th, or 12th grade?
Virginia requires specific immunizations for those big milestones! The Virginia Department of Health keeps a full list of those requirements at

Sign up for required immunizations today! You can find them at:
• One of our awesome partners! We have a full list of clinics providing free or low-cost immunizations at
• A regular, annual visit with your student’s primary care provider (PCP). If you need help choosing a PCP, visit to learn more about primary care in our communities!
• RHHD clinics! The health department offers appointments at no cost to families. Students must bring a guardian, a copy of immunization records, and an insurance card if they have one. For more information or to make the appointment, visit, call 804-205-3501.

Las vacunas escolares

¿Su estudiante entrará a un nuevo sistema escolar o pasará al jardín de infantes, 7.o o 12.o grado?
¡Virginia exige vacunas específicas para esos grandes hitos! El
Departamento de Salud de Virginia (Virginia Department of Health, VDH) tiene una lista completa de los requisitos en el sitio web
¡Inscríbase hoy para recibir las vacunas requeridas! Puede solicitarlas en los siguientes lugares:
• Uno de nuestros increíbles socios. Contamos con una amplia lista de clínicas que proporcionan vacunas gratuitas o a bajo costo en
• Una consulta regular anual con el proveedor de atención primariy (Primary Care Provider, PCP) de su estudiante. Si necesita ayuda para elegir un PCP, visite y obtenga más información sobre la atención primaria en nuestras comunidades.
• Clínicas de los Distritos de Salud de Richmond y Henrico (Richmond and Henrico Health Districts, RHHD). El Departamento de Salud ofrece citas sin costo para las familias. Los estudiantes deben estar acompañados de un tutor y presentar una copia de los registros de vacunación, así como la tarjeta del seguro, si cuentan con uno. Para obtener más información o programar una cita, visite, llame al 804-205-3501 o escanee el código QR.

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Community outreach and engagement at Massey promotes disparities-related research; provides cancer prevention and education services; enables access to cancer screening, treatment and clinical trials, and advocates for public policy to reduce the cancer burden. 

Explore outreach and engagement and find classes to learn more at Community outreach and engagement.

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