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Mike Cross, Department of Public Utilities

The Springfield Road Public Use Area is where many people get rid of things they don’t want. But on a recent Saturday night, Supervisor Mike Cross discovered something that was very much wanted and loved. Their names are Buttercup and Fiona. The dogs had been missing from home for two days. Their family was frantic.

“They were pretty dogs. I tried to get them to come to me, but they wouldn’t,” Cross said.

He didn’t give up. After several attempts, Cross finally got close enough to read the name and phone number on the dogs’ collars. He called the owners and waited 45 minutes past closing time to reunite them with their precious pups.

“To see Amy Wilson laying in the middle of the road with those two dogs, crying her eyes out, I knew she really loved her dogs,” Cross added.

The Wilson family was so grateful they sent a letter to County Manager John Vithoulkas to compliment Cross for his service.

“We believe you should always try to catch someone doing a good job and recognize it,” the letter read, “This was significant to our family.”

Cross has worked for the county for 11 years. He says he was just doing his job but admits reuniting Buttercup and Fiona with their family made him happy.

Mike Cross, Department of Public Utilities
Wilson Family and 2 dogs
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