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View consultant reports on Henrico County’s response to the water crisis

Reports presented at Board of Supervisors special meeting Feb. 11

HOME Investment Partnerships Program

The HOME Investment Partnerships Act (Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act) was signed into law November 28, 1990 (Public Law 101-625), and created the HOME Investment Partnerships Program that provides funds to expand the supply of affordable housing for very low-income and low income persons.

HOME funds may be used  to provide incentives to develop and support affordable rental housing and homeownership affordability through the acquisition (including assistance to homebuyers), new construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation of non-luxury housing with suitable amenities, including real property acquisition, site improvements, conversion, demolition, and other expenses, including financing costs, relocation expenses of any displaced persons, families, businesses, or organizations; to provide tenant-based rental assistance, including security deposits; to provide payment of reasonable administrative and planning costs; and to provide for the payment of operating expenses of community housing development organizations.

Henrico County currently uses HOME funds for homeownership assistance and rehabilitation of owner occupied single-family homes.

For more information about applying for HOME funds please visit the CDBG, HOME, ESG Funding Application page.

For questions or technical assistance concerning HOME Program funds please e-mail Trinity Waldron ([email protected]),  or call (804) 501-7614.

Contact Us

Community Revitalization

Physical Address
4905 Dickens Road, Suite 200
Henrico, VA 23230

(804) 501-4757

(804) 501–7630

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM


[email protected]

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